
Artichoke Companion Plants: What Plant to Grow With Artichoke?

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Artichoke is known as one of the world’s oldest cultivated vegetables. It’s a domesticated variety of wild cardoons. It is said to be the most expensive and beneficial plant.

It is very rich in antioxidants and is full of vitamins. Artichokes are a great source of fiber, improve bowel regularity, and support your immune system.

There are plenty of benefits to growing artichoke vegetables. It also helps your garden if you choose the right companion plants to grow alongside them.

In this article, we will learn about Artichoke plants, their growing requirements, their good companion plants, and what plants are to avoid planting near them.

Why do Artichokes Need Companion Plants?

Companion planting is important for artichokes as it helps them be more productive and healthier, improving their productive yields.

Artichokes are planted with companion crops, benefiting from companion plants’ pest-repelling capability and the ability to attract pollinators.

Plants like thyme and basil are good companion plants that help artichokes to stay clear from pests. Whereas taller plants like sunflowers help provide steadiness from winds and partial shade from the heat.

Companion planting with artichokes helps gardeners use the small empty spaces in gardens and utilize every potential for a productive, healthy, and beautiful harvesting.

Best Companion Plants of Artichoke

Artichokes can take up more space than you think, and by taking advantage of the plant’s nature and choosing the best companion plants, you can make the most of your garden space.

Let us learn more about what plants to choose if you plant Artichokes in your garden.

1. Asparagus


Asparagus is one such good friend of Artichokes that can grow well together. Their similar growing requirements allow them to bond well.

Asparagus needs full sun and similar water and soil requirements as artichokes. They are grown in small spaces, whereas artichokes occupy much more space in the garden, making it hard for other plants to grow.

Asparagus has a deep root system, unlike artichokes which do not have deep roots. Their complementary nature helps them thrive when planted alongside each other.

And when served on food plates, their combination is delicious, bringing healthy nutrients to your family.

2. Basil


Basil is undoubtedly the best plant in the mint family we know of. It goes along well with most other plants.

Basil and artichokes share a mutual growing requirement. The need for full sunlight and well-drained soil is one such example.

Basil has good aromatic qualities and is known to repel pests. When planted near artichokes, basil improves the flavors of somewhat bitter-tasting artichokes.

3. Beans


Beans are loveable. It is used in more dishes than I can count on. Apart from being healthy and nutritious, it is also an ideal companion plant for Artichoke.

Beans do not meddle with Artichoke for lateral space. Both varieties of beans, i.e., pole and bush beans, provide steadiness to artichokes from winds when planted alongside.

These leguminous beans help improve nitrogen levels in the soil and supply nutrients, improving plants’ yield.

4. Broccoli


Broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables. You can eat it after boiling or cooking. It is one of the most grown vegetables.

This member of the Brassicaceae family only needs a little space for their growth. It has similar needs when it comes to growth and care as artichokes.

Broccoli and artichokes both enjoy full sun and frequent watering. However, we need to ensure they do not compete with each other for soil nutrients. Having proper spacing when planting these plants together can help avoid competition.

5. Marigolds


Marigolds look gorgeous, don’t they? They come in different colors, like yellow, golden, red, white, and orange, making gardens vibrant.

Marigolds are known for their strong smell, which repels pests and insects. Marigolds are good companions of artichokes as they grow in leaner soil and do not compete with them.

Apart from their ability to repel pests like aphids, they also attract insects that benefit the plants. Pollinators like bees and butterflies are attracted to marigolds.

6. Nasturtiums


Nasturtiums are another beautiful flowers that are a deserving neighbor of artichokes. And the beauty it produces of its flowers is just an added value.

It is another pest-repelling plant that repels pests like aphids and squad bugs. The beautiful orange and red flower nasturtiums attract pollinators like butterflies and hoverflies, which helps plants around them pollinate.

Nasturtiums are just easy-to-grow flowers and are beneficial in making medicines and some delicious recipes.

7. Thyme


Thyme and Artichoke are considered to be a match made in heaven. Thyme is a herb commonly used to add flavors to every household.

Thyme only takes up a little space and is an excellent option to fill up empty spaces in your garden.

It also has the same pest-repelling properties as basil. Thyme and Artichoke appreciate the same growing conditions, like sunny weather and well-drained soil.

8. Sunflowers


Sunflowers and artichokes form a good relationship. Sunflower does not compete with artichokes for micronutrients.

If Sunflowers are planted on the western side of the Artichoke, it can provide partial shade to the Artichoke.

They attract pollinators to your garden, especially to the artichokes, which enhances the plant’s reproduction and yield.

Worst Companion Plants of Artichoke

While there are plants that help in the growth of artichokes, some plants can prove harmful if planted anyway near artichokes. Read below about some of the plants which can affect Artichoke’s growth.

1. Thistles


Artichokes are giant thistles, and if you intend to plant another thistle around them, it will only last for a while, as pests from other thistles will feast on nearby artichokes.

Thistles should be planted at another corner of the garden, or aromatic herbs like basil or thymes should be placed in between so that pests stay at bay and do not come near artichokes.

2. Black Walnut

Black Walnut

Some plants, like black walnut, excrete a chemical into the soil, which is very toxic and can kill a plant with its toxication.

These toxins can remain in the soil long after uprooting the plant. Do not plant artichokes anywhere near the soil where black walnut was planted.

Growing Requirements of The Artichoke Plant

Artichoke plants require from full sunlight to partial shade. They need a lot of nitrogen fertilizer for better growth and development. The ideal soil for artichoke growth is fertile, light, and well-drained. Loam or sandy soil is perfect.

It requires a lot of water when growing. Less water can affect its quality. Although they do not do well in soggy soil either, so good drainage is required for the efficient maintenance of soil and plants.

They enjoy warm weather but not very scorching heat. They generally fail in summer when water is scarce and in winter when the soil is waterlogged.


Artichokes are plants that are easily manageable in your garden. In the article, I mentioned eight good companion plants of artichokes that can add value to your artichokes and garden.

These companion plants not only benefit by providing nutrients to your artichokes through pollinators and improving soil nutrients but also by making your garden more vibrant and cheerful by attracting butterflies and bees.

We also learned about two bad companions of artichokes which, when planted nearby, may stunt the growth of artichokes and destroy the plant.

Is there any plant that should be added to the list? I would love to hear from you in the comments section below.

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