
Sunflower Companion Planting: 21 Plants to Grow With Sunflower

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Aren’t sunflowers gorgeous? Their bright yellow petals and giant center with seeds – they’re a sure-fire way to boost your garden appeal.

However, sunflowers are a bit tricky. While they aren’t necessarily challenging to grow, they aren’t the friendliest of plants.

If you try growing sunflower alongside the wrong species, they may affect your garden’s whole growth. For that reason, we want to show you the best sunflower companion plants to prevent that from happening.

Below you’ll find everything there’s to know about sunflowers and their companions. Check it out!

Why Use Sunflowers Companion Plants?

Sunflowers thrive by themselves. You don’t need to care for them too much as long as you provide them with enough sun, quality soil, and adequate moisture.

But in that case, you’d be missing the benefits sunflowers bring to other plants, and vice versa. If you want to increase their success, planting them alongside suitable companions can increase the chances of a beautiful and thriving sunflower.

On top of that, companions can help to both attract pollinators and repel pests. This increases the chances of the sunflower living a long time.

Suffice to say, companion plants are always worth trying. If you want to build a flower bed, you’ll want to try them. Below, you’ll find some of these companions.

Best Companion Plants for Sunflowers

We found many different species that will thrive in unison with your sunflowers. We decided to talk about the 4 most common and then give you a general idea of the rest you can try:

1. Onions


Despite being decently tough, sunflowers may sometimes get overrun by pests. To prevent that, you can use deterrents like onions.

They share similar nutrients without harming each other. More importantly, onion has a strong smell and certain chemicals that squirrels, deer, and other mammals hate. This can be helpful to sunflowers.

Plus, sunflower gives some shade to the onion leaves and soil, keeping them growing safely at the right temps. Similar to onions, the garlic plant also thrives alongside sunflowers.

2. Tomatoes


The tomato plant is incredibly fragile, especially against insects like aphids. They eat away the stalks and leaves, causing damage to yields. In the worst-case scenario, aphids may even kill the tomato plant.

Guess who can help tomatoes in that case? Yes, you guessed it right. Sunflowers come like a superhero for tomatoes. They attract all the aphids to their stalks and flowers, keeping them away from tomatoes.

If planted together, sunflowers help tomatoes enormously. And because tomatoes attract some pollinators, it is a win-win situation.

3. Squashes


Veggies like zucchinis and squashes can benefit enormously from sunflowers. First, because sunflowers give them essential shade that these plants require to thrive. And second, because these plants rely heavily on pollinators. When their big leaves hide their flowers, they struggle to pollinate.

Sunflowers can help them in both cases. Being large flowers with dense bodies, they give sufficient shade to other plants. And with their bright-yellow flowers, pollinators love getting around them.

If planted sufficiently close, squashes can help keep away maggots from the sunflower stalk.

4. Peppers


Another superb companion for sunflowers is the pepper. Because they also tend to suffer a lot from aphids, they may get deeply bothered when alone. But when you plant them with sunflowers around, these aphids leave the peppers alone.

That’s not enough, though. Sunflowers also keep peppers from scorching. Because most sunflowers are either large or dense, they keep the short pepper plant free of unwanted sun damage with the shade.

5. Sweetcorn


The widely known maize is an overlooked companion plant for sunflowers. It feels counter-intuitive, considering how fast corn grows and how many nutrients it demands. But that’s not a challenge for sunflowers in the slightest.

When planted together, they share chemicals and other properties that improve the taste of the maize. On top of that, sunflowers attract some of the pests that maize plants hate. 

6. Shade-Loving Plants

Shade-Loving Plants

All those plants that thrive in the shade can also become exceptional sunflower companions. This is especially true with the largest sunflower species that have giant blossoms. The flowers are often big enough to cover large soil areas, including those that may get damaged by scorching sun rays. 

Among the species to consider, you can find:

7. Flowers


Some of the most gorgeous flowers will also appreciate being alongside sunflowers. This mostly happens because the big and bright blossoms tend to attract many pests, keeping them off the fragile flowers. When this happens, these other flowers can thrive.

If you’re building a flower garden bed, for example, planting sunflowers alongside the other species can be an excellent idea (not to forget it will look a lot better!). Here are some flower species to consider:

  • Coreopsis
  • Cornflowers
  • Dahlia
  • Daylily
  • Dead Nettle
  • Iris
  • Lantana
  • Lupines
  • Marigolds
  • Nasturgens
  • Pink Carnation
  • Purple Coneflower
  • Periwinkle
  • Rose
  • Zinnias

You will find many other species that thrive alongside sunflowers. But if you want an anti-fail experience, stick with these.

8. Viny Plants

Viny Plants

Every ivy plant you can think of could make for an excellent sunflower companion. Why? Because sunflowers are often extensive and have a thick stalk. This size and girth make them exceptional structures for those plants that like climbing and knotting around stuff.

Among the different viny plants that go well with sunflowers, you can find:

Be aware that here you’ll find flowers, vegetables, and fruits. They all go well with sunflower, especially the ones that require a lot of shade. 

9. Beans & Peas

While peas and beans could easily go as vines, they benefit from sunflowers entirely differently—for example, most beans like the same type of soils as sunflowers. As long as the soil is slightly acidic (from 6.5 to 7.5 pH), both plants will thrive.

But more importantly, beans increase the nitrogen in the soil a little bit. This improves the sunflower’s growth exponentially.

Some of the beans and peas to consider include:

  • Bush Beans
  • Green Beans
  • Lima Beans
  • Snap Peas
  • Snow Peas
  • Wax Beans

It’s worth mentioning that they all act differently around the sunflower. Having said that, they all thrive.

10. Shrubs & Ornamentals

Shrubs & Ornamentals

Believe it or not, sunflowers make for an excellent landscape border plant. For that reason, they may also work seamlessly with your shrubs, hedges, and similar ornamental plants. 

These include species like:

  • Boxwood 
  • Common Hibiscus
  • Cotoneaster 
  • Hawthorn
  • Heuchera
  • Laurel
  • Yew
  • Winter Jasmine

The main advantage is that sunflowers keep these plants in tolerable shade while they grow. And as a side benefit, they help sunflowers fight pests. 

11. Herbs & Grasses

Herbs & Grasses

Lastly, it’s worth considering some simpler plants like grasses and herbs. They may benefit from the slight shade from sunflowers while keeping the soil nutritious. This is especially true with herbs, which often require a bit of protection from the sun. Herbs can positively affect soil chemistry.

Some of the species to consider are:

In contrast with other plants, almost all of these can grow super-close to sunflowers without a problem. We recommend them for herb gardens and yards.

12. Basil

Image Source: wikimedia.org

Basil is thought to be the ideal herb to grow with sunflowers due to its many advantages. Basil can withstand a little shade on hot summer days to avoid bolting too early, unlike sunflowers, which need full sun.

It is convenient to grow them all together because basil gets along with other edibles like peppers and tomatoes, which are also advised for planting next to sunflowers.

Basil prevents pests like flies and mosquitoes that could harm sunflowers. It also serves as a natural pest deterrent. It draws pollinators thanks to its potent scent, increasing the yield of other plants.

13. Corn

Image Source: goodhousekeeping.com

Although it might seem strange, corn and sunflowers can live harmoniously in a garden. Despite their tall stature, they do not compete with one another for soil nutrients.

Sunflowers also have the advantage of attracting beetles, which feed on corn-damaging pests like aphids, mites, and fruit flies.

Additionally, both plants can produce chemicals that enhance corn flavor and increase crop yields. In general, growing corn alongside sunflowers can be helpful for both plants.

14. Garlic

Image Source: gardenerspath.com

Garlic is well known for its potent scent, which prevents various pests from damaging nearby plants. When cultivated next to sunflowers, alliums like garlic deter animals known to eat sunflower seeds, like squirrels and deer. The strong garlic smell deters these pests and keeps the sunflowers undamaged.

Garlic contributes nutrients that can improve the soil quality around the sunflowers as it decomposes. Garlic also enriches the soil with organic matter, strengthening its structure and ability to store water.

15. Cucumber

Image Source: bonnieplants.com

It can be beneficial to plant cucumber seedlings close to 12-inch sunflowers because their stems give the cucumber vines a sturdy structure to climb. Cucumbers also have a lot of leaves, which can shade the soil, keep it moist, and inhibit the growth of weeds.

Several gardeners contend that growing sunflowers alongside cucumbers can increase the yield of the latter crop. These two plants can grow well together because they need similar water and soil.

Sunflowers can act as trap plants by attracting pollinators known to eat cucumber beetles, acting as organic pest control. Sunflowers are a great addition to cucumbers in the garden because they attract beneficial insects that can pollinate the cucumber plants as needed.

16. Kale

Image Source: insider.com

Kale is a leafy green vegetable rich in nutrients and known for its health benefits. It makes a fantastic garden companion plant for sunflowers. The deep roots of kale can assist in dissolving the soil and strengthening its structure. Sunflowers enjoy this because they have deep roots and need soil that drains well.

Sunflowers can benefit from the use of kale as a natural pest deterrent. It generates a strong smell that can help keep pests like cabbage worms, aphids, and whiteflies away from sunflower plants.

17. Marigold

Image Source: thespruce.com

Marigold is a beautiful flower and is perfect for growing with sunflowers. Their vibrant yellow and orange flowers also give the garden a splash of color. These beautiful colors can help lure beneficial insects, such as butterflies, bees, and hoverflies, which are crucial pollinators for sunflowers.

Marigold produces a chemical known as Alpha-terthienyl that is effective in keeping pests like nematodes, whiteflies, and aphids away.

Marigold seeds need to be sown in the spring at a depth of 1/4 inch and a distance of 6 to 8 inches. Plant sunflowers nearby to give them enough space to develop without competing for nutrients. To avoid fungal diseases, water the sunflowers and marigolds often but not excessively.

18. Chives

Sunflowers are the perfect companion plant for chives, a herb member of the onion family. They are easily grown in a garden and do well in colder climates.

Gardeners should take precautions to stop the plant from developing, as it can intrude into other garden areas. Fortunately, chives are simple to move to a new location if this happens.

Chives are also a powerful natural pest deterrent when grown alongside other crops like celery, lettuce, carrots, and peas. They can aid in defending these plants from pests that could harm them, such as aphids and vegetable rust flies. Gardeners can grow healthier, more fruitful plants without chemical pesticides by combining these crops with chives.

19. Daisies

Image Source: allaboutgardening.com

Sunflowers are members of the daisy family. If you want to grow them, you can pick from various daisies. These sun-loving plants are drought-tolerant and do well in areas with little rainfall.

Daisy plants make great sunflower companion plants because they attract butterflies, which can aid in pollinating both plants. A smaller variety of daisies can be grown as a border plant, which will enhance the beauty and color of your garden and draw beneficial insects.

20. Snapdragon

Image Source: hometownseeds.com

The plantain family includes the widely grown ornamental plant known as the snapdragon. They are available in various colors, such as pink, white, purple, and red.

Snapdragon mostly grows in landscaping and floral arrangements because of its tall, spiky blooms, which give garden beds and bouquets height and texture.

Snapdragons grow well with sunflowers and are a great companion plant. They attract beneficial insects that eat pests like spider mites, hoverflies, and aphids. Snapdragons are a more environmentally friendly choice because they help lower the need for chemical pesticides in your garden by attracting helpful insects.

21. Melons

Image Source: gardenersworld.com

Melons are a well-liked fruit that is generally planted in warm climates. They are available in wide varieties, such as cantaloupe, watermelon, and honeydew. Melons are sweet, juicy fruits that improve health because they contain vitamins and minerals.

Melons make excellent companion plants for sunflowers when they are grown together. Sunflowers offer the melon plants natural shade. This helps to control soil temperature and shield the fruit from overheating or sun damage.

Melons benefit from sunflowers’ strong root systems because they can improve soil quality and nutrient absorption.

Worst Companion Plants for Sunflower

We’ve gone over the best companions. But what about the worst ones? What are those plants that you should absolutely plant away from sunflowers to prevent damage?

1. Potato


Well, you’ll be happy to know that probably the only plant you should stay away from is the potato. Yes, you read that right.

Potatoes suffer from a disease that preys on sunflowers: Verticillium dahliae. This disease causes discoloration and may affect the blooming season. For potatoes, it may keep them from even growing or producing yields.

If you’re growing potatoes close to sunflowers, try to keep them several feet apart. Not only for the disease but also the beetles that love both plants.

2. Pole Beans

The chemicals sunflowers can be damaging to some plants. But it’s not always the case. When it comes to pole beans, however, it’s better to just avoid planting them close.

Pole beans struggle to grow and even germinating when planted alongside sunflowers. If you aren’t careful, you may completely waste some seeds or end up killing an already mature plant.

3. Fennel

Image Source: gardenerspath.com

Fennel is a perennial herbaceous plant popular for its licorice-like flavor and aroma. It can be a flavorful addition to your kitchen but is not an excellent companion plant for sunflowers.

Fennel can exude chemicals that stop the development of nearby plants. These chemicals may slow nearby sunflowers’ growth, lowering their yield.

Fennel can draw pests that can damage the sunflowers. Swallowtail butterfly caterpillars can eat the stems and leaves of your sunflowers because fennel serves as their host plant.

Sunflowers and fennel need different types of soil and amounts of water. Sunflowers need slightly alkaline, well-drained soil, whereas fennel prefers acidic, well-drained soil. Additionally, fennel needs more water than sunflowers, which may cause competition for water and stress for your sunflowers.

4. Hyssop

Image Source: gardenerspath.com

Hyssop is a well-known culinary herb and has a long history of use in medicine. Despite its potential advantages, hyssop is not a good companion plant for sunflowers. Hyssop and sunflowers are both fairly large plants. They require a lot of space and water to develop properly.

Hyssop has a potent scent that may deter bees from visiting the sunflowers. If you have hyssop planted nearby, the bees may be drawn there instead of the sunflowers, which are a good source of nectar for bees and other pollinators. Your sunflowers may receive less pollination as a result, which could result in lower seed production.

Are Sunflowers Toxic as Companion Plants?

We mentioned how sunflowers can be exceptional companions for many plants. But we also said how they can be damaging to others, like pole beans.

This happens because sunflowers are a bit toxic. The toxicity makes them dangerous to other plants, especially in their germination period.

And it’s all because sunflowers produce some biochemicals that stay in the soil. These chemicals can be damaging to other plants, inhibiting growth, especially in the germination period.

The phenomenon is called Allelopathy. It causes allelochemicals that are sometimes good. But in significant quantities, especially from the seed shells, it damages soils and growing plants.

Types of Sunflowers to Plant

Are all types of sunflowers this beneficial? Well, yes. But you’ll get completely different results depending on the type you pick. Let’s take a look:

1. Lemon Queen Sunflower (Helianthus ‘Lemon Queen’)

Lemon Queen Sunflower

Known for their slightly “lemony” color, these sunflowers are a bit greener than others. These are perennials and grow to about 5 feet at their max.

What sets them apart is their ability to attract tons of pollinators. For plants that struggle to do that, sunflowers may become their favorite companions.

You can also find sunflowers filled with bees, butterflies, and even birds. Similarly, they catch most of the pests that eat other plants.

2. Annual Sunflower (Helianthus Annuus)

Annual Sunflower

One of the largest flowers, the annual sunflower can grow to about 10 feet in some cases. And sure enough, they cover a lot of ground and provide a fantastic amount of shade. This can be super-helpful to plants that require protection from the sun.

What sets them apart, however, is their extra-tough stalks and flowers. Because they attract all kinds of insects, they need to be sturdy to withstand them – especially aphids and maggots. And guess what, they do.

That makes them exceptional companions to keep pests away from other plants.

3. Willow-Leaved Sunflowers (Helianthus Salicifolius)

Willow-Leaved Sunflowers

One of the smallest kinds of sunflowers is the willow-leaved. Not growing more than 3 feet, these have a uniquely dense stalk with tons of leaves coming off it. To make them even more unique, the flowers are the smallest of all sunflowers.

The name willow comes from the dense “hairy” appearance they have. This makes them fantastic shade-giving plants, keeping almost everything around them cool and safe from scorching sun rays.

Interestingly, they also attract pollinators, making them excellent companions for plants that struggle to pollinate.


Gorgeous and easy to grow, sunflowers make for an exciting addition to any garden. But nothing like learning which plants to grow them with.

With the sunflower companion plants above, you’ll have a blast with your sunflowers. So, why don’t you try them up? There are tons to test – so get your hands dirty now!

Companion Plants

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