
10 Amazing Tire Planters Ideas for Your Garden

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Instead, you can decorate your garden or backyard with DIY ideas. These ideas are cost-efficient and would give you the opportunities to nurture your creative side.

Some of the best lawn décors may be upscaled from objects you can find around your home, whether you’re working with vast backyard space or a modest front lawn area. Used tires are one of the most flexible products you can have in your yard.

These fantastic rubber rings may be colored and embellished to make amusing planters or one-of-a-kind garden decorations. Keeping this in mind, we have presented put top tire planters ideas that you can utilize in your yard.

So, let’s begin with our creativity!

What are Tire Planters?

What are tire planters
Image credit: Pinterest

That being said, let us first understand what tire planters are?

Tire planters are nothing but using recycled or used tires to convert them into planters that can hold a wide range of plants, ranging from crops to blooming shrubs.

One of the primary reasons you should consider using tires as planters is that used tires are tough enough to hold plants in them and resist frigid temperatures and high wind and rain. Additionally, these tires tend to be deep sufficiently for plants to grow roots, and you can also drill holes in them to allow water to drain.

It is pretty easy to use tires as planters. You would need to clean and fill soil in them and just plant seeds or plants of your choice. You can also stack tires to create raised garden beds. Adding a pop of color or paint can also be an option to make the tire planters look attractive.

Why Tire Planters?

Why Tire Planters
Image credit: Pinterest

Now the question that may strike your mind is, why tire planters? We have the answer.

Supports Recycling

The foremost good reason to go for tire planters is that it supports the recycling of old tires, and they don’t end up in landfills. Also, disposing of tires can be a costly affair, so using them as garden planters can be an easy way to cut the extra cost and give a creative touch to your garden.

Easy to Create

Although cutting a tire can be a tough job, if you get a helping hand in the process, the rest of the DIY can be a cakewalk for you. So grab a tire, clean it, color it, fill it with soil, and plant your plants. That’s it!

If you want to stack them, use nails to attach them over one another, and the rest of the process is the same.

Allows Drying Faster

Tires tend to absorb better sun heat and can keep the inside soil warm and dry. As a result, you can eliminate the chance of wet and soggy soil.

Less to no Maintenance

Tires planters are not only easy to be made but also easy to be maintained. Also, the chances of weeding will go down with tire planters. Weed seeds are less likely to find their way into the garden since tires are elevated.

Tips Before using Tires as Planters

Before jumping into the DIY tire planter ideas, let us list out the tips we must consider before soiling our hands.

  • Make sure to clean the tire before using them as planters. Dirty and grubby-looking tires won’t let any paint stick on them. Also, they would look bad and mar the beauty of the whole idea.
  • Go for a paint that suits the mood of your garden or lawn. The majority of tire planters are kept outside all year. This means they’ll be exposed to heat, cold, wind, and rain. So, make sure to paint them with durable paint, like acrylic-based.
  • Go for a paint that suits the mood of your garden or lawn. The majority of tire planters are kept outside all year. This means they’ll be exposed to heat, cold, wind, and rain. So, make sure to paint them with durable paint, like acrylic-based.
  • Secure the tires if you are stacking them together. Securing them together would ensure that there is no mess and no accidental crashes or knockdowns.

Some Amazing Tire Planters Ideas

This is our main section, where you will find some of the top, hassle-free tire planters ideas for your garden. So stick around with us to learn more.

This is our main section, where you will find some of the top, hassle-free tire planters ideas for your garden. So stick around with us to learn more.

#1. Stacked Tires

Stacked tires

Image credit: Pinterest

Tacked tires with plants look fabuloustwo. You can make a planter wall by stacking old tires together. You can use popping colors to paint your tire walls vibrantly and plant colorful flowering plants. Also, don’t limit yourself to just painting; add rhinestones, glitter, and see what you can come up with.

#2. Hanging Tire Planters

Hanging tire planters

Image Credit: Pinterest

If you are looking to install hanging baskets of flowers in your front patio or yard, you can think of using recycled tires. First, clean and paint the tire of your preference. Then, nail two holes on opposite corners of the top of the old tire and tie a stout rope through each hole. Now you can fill its inner rim with soil and plant your preferred blossoms or wildflowers so that they can grow and hang down.

Bonus Read: 20 Amazing Backyard Ideas That Won’t Break The Bank

#3. Herb Planters

Herb planters
Image Credit: Peak PX

Do you wish to have your herb garden? Well, it’s really easy to create a herb garden with old and recycled tires. However, if you are planning to grow herbs in tires, ensure to use plants that can grow well in warm soil and climate- like lavender, catnip, fennel, and so on. We say so because tires can absorb sub heat better and create a warm environment for the plants.

#4. Layered Flower Bed

Layered flower bed
Image Credit: Pinterest

Use different sized tires to slot them inside each other and create a layering effect. You can make the layers by cutting the top edge of each tire and then turning them inside out. This causes the sliced edge of the tires to point out in a flared pattern. Next, place the largest tire at the bottom, and slot other tires inside as they decrease. You can also color the tires in vibrant colors or keep them jet black as per your preference.

#5. Low Tire Wall

Low tire wall
Image Credit: Pinterest

The stacking of tires can create a planter wall, as we have already stated. However, if you do not prefer a high planter wall, you can stack 2 tires to form a low tire wall. In addition, you can choose to paint the tires in different shades of the same color to create a unique appearance. And if you are thinking of what plants would go with your tire wall, you can choose ornamental plants and grasses that grow tall.

#6. Vegetable Tire Garden

Vegetable tire garden
Image Credit: Pinterest

If you are looking forward to growing a vegetable garden in your backyard, using old tires can be a good idea. Vegetable tire planters can withstand rain, sun, and cold climate efficiently. This DIY idea is hassle-free, and anybody can do it irrespective of their gardening expertise. Just take the tire of your preferred size, clean and paint them. And voila! You are done. Now fill the tires with soil and grow your preferred veggies in them.

#7. Tires as Pots

Tires as pots
Image Credit: Pinterest

You can create the top part of an old tire in floral shape and create a unique pot-like design. Although it can be challenging to cut a tire, the result could dramatically affect your garden or backyard.

#8. Blooming Planters

Blooming planters
Image credit: Pinterest

Take an old tire and remove the unwanted pieces from it. Next, draw the shape, as an outline, you want it to cut into. Afterward, with the help of a friend, turn the tire inside out, and you are done with the challenging part of the job. Lastly, paint the tire by using spray or exterior paint following by drying it. You are done!

#9. Deep Pots

Deep pots
Image Credit: Pinterest

Deep tire pots are perfect for growing taller plants. You just need to find tires of the same size to stack them on each other. As we have already stated, tires tend to be pretty durable and weatherproof. So based on how deep a planter you want, you may make a long-lasting pot out of them.

#10. Coffee Cup Tire Planter

Coffee cup tire planter
Image Credit: Pinterest

Do you love coffee? And you want to display that love through your gardening skills? If yes, then creating coffee cup planters could be a proper fit for you. You can recreate your most loved coffee cup by using old and used tires. Depending on how big or small you want your planter to be, you can use 2- 3 tires in descending order. Then, stack them on one another and nail them together. Afterward, color them according to your choice.

Also Read: 15 Beautiful Modern Backyard Pictures & Ideas

Suitable Plants to Grow in Tore Planters

So you are convinced with our DIY tire planter ideas and can’t wait to try them on your own? Wait! Before you jump into the process, we want you to go through the below section to understand what types of plants are most suitable to be grown in tire planters.

You can use tires to grow vegetables in them because tires provide a warm soil condition to the vegetable plants and offer ample room for root growth. Therefore, vegetables like sweet potato, tomatoes, and peppers are suitable for growing in tire planters.

However, if you are not a veggie person, you can choose different flowering plants as well. Colorful petunias, pansies, marigolds, and similar shrubs are safe to grow in tire planters. And if you are looking for taller plants, you can go with bougainvillea as well.

As per as herbs are concerned, choose lavenders, tea trees, catnip, and other similar plants.


So, you see, tire planters are not anything tricky to be created. All you would need is some time in your hands and brainstorm. The above list is inexhaustible. Then, you can use your creativity and build something that can dramatically affect your garden.

What are you waiting for? Get up, take put on your paints and boost your imagination. And you never know when you can create a masterpiece out of old and used tires!

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