
Red Yucca Companion Plants: 5 Plants to Grow with Red Yucca

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Red Yucca, which goes by the scientific name Hesperaloe Parviflora, is not a part of the Yucca group, but it is a very beautiful succulent plant.

It is a plant that loves to be in full sunlight and is drought tolerant, which makes it an ideal plant for regions that have warmer climates.

Red yucca belongs to the Asparagaceae family, and it blooms around late spring and early summer, producing leaves that are beautiful and red or pink in color.

The red yucca is known by various names all around the world. In some regions, it is known as coral yucca, while in other places, people call them hummingbird yucca. The name hummingbird yucca is given to the plant because hummingbirds are attracted to these plants.

In this article, we will learn about some good companion plants of red yucca that will increase the vibrancy and productivity of red yucca, along with the growing requirements and pests or diseases it is prone to.

Why Does Red Yucca Need Companion Plants?

Why Does Red Yucca Need Companion Plants?

Red yucca needs good companion plants around them to increase the plant’s beauty and productivity while preventing it from different risks such as pests or disease.

If the red yucca plant is beside aloe vera, it will benefit in many different ways. Aloe vera is known for its medicinal properties, and if planted near aloe vera, red yucca will be protected from many pests and diseases.

Plants like boxwood help in attracting hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators, helping the red yucca plant enhance its productivity.

Plants like English Ivy improve soil and air quality and, if planted near red yucca, will benefit in many ways.

Hence, there are a lot of benefits of companion planting alongside red yucca plants.

5 Best Red Yucca Companion Plants

Now that we know how important a companion plant’s role in gardening is, especially in the red yucca plant, let us look at some of these good companion plants of red yucca.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera

An aloe vera plant is a very good partner of the red yucca plant. Due to its medicinal properties, it has been used to heal and treat various deficiencies from ancient times.

Aloe vera is a very easy plant to grow with almost no maintenance needs, and many people are more than happy to grow the plant indoors.

The aloe vera plant also helps the red yucca plant by improving the soil quality and repelling harmful pests, which is a win-win situation.

Another thing that brings them together is their similar growing requirements, as both these plants require well-drained soil and full sunlight to grow well.

Both these plants attract beneficial pollinators, which helps the plant and the garden.

2. Cactus


Red yucca are a desert plant, making them great neighbors of cactus. There are more than a couple thousand species of cacti, and any of them will look astonishing in your garden.

Cactus plant helps red yuccas by preventing them from strong summer winds and by loosening the soil, which makes the soil well drained.

The most common cactus plants seen with red yuccas are echeveria flower, agave, and sedum.

Plant them together to get a vibrant, textured garden.

3. Yarrow


Yarrow is another plant that complements red yucca very well. Planting them together will increase the productivity of the garden.

Yarrow is a fairly low-maintenance plant that can withstand clay soil, and both these plants have similar growing requirements.

But it must be remembered that yarrow is toxic to dogs, animals, and horses, so plant it accordingly.

4. Coreopsis


Red yucca and coreopsis are good friends and do well when planted together. Coreopsis are low-maintenance perennial plants that attract beneficial pollinators like butterflies and hummingbirds to the garden.

Coreopsis and red yucca share the same growing requirements; they love full sunlight, are drought tolerant, and need soil with a good drainage system.

Coreopsis produces beautiful, colorful flowers in summer, around the same time as red yucca—coreopsis blooms in red, yellow, orange, and white.

5. Texas Sage

Texas Sage

Texas sage is next on the list of good companion plants of red yucca. They both have the same growing requirements and do well together.

Texas sage has silvery leaves, is very easy to grow, and is recommended for new gardeners. Sage and red yucca like full sun to come onto them, making them a good pair.

Texas sage is a drought-tolerant plant that produces lovely flowers in purple color, which is very adored because of its fragrance.

Texas sage is also known as Scarlet Sage or Blood Sage. Texas sage likes to be in warmer climates but can survive in colder climates, making it a bit special.

Worst Companion Plants for Red Yucca

Red yucca is a plant that is fairly easy to grow and compatible with many other plants, but still, some plants find it hard to tolerate heat and require a lot of maintenance.

These plants are not very good companions of red yuccas. Shade-loving plants like hostas, ferns, and lilies shouldn’t be planted alongside red yuccas, as neither is supposed to die.

All these moisture-dependent plants have growing requirements opposite to red yuccas, which can hamper the growth of one or both plants.

What are Red Yucca’s Growing Requirements?

What are Red Yucca's Growing Requirements?

Red yucca is generally a hardy and easy-to-grow plant, but knowing about its basic growing requirements is necessary as it will decide the life and growth of your plant.

1. Climate Requirements

Red Yucca likes good warm weather to thrive. It can survive some amount of cold temperatures, but during its first few years of establishment, it is important to take care and prevent it in winter.

2. Sunlight Requirements

Sunlight Requirements

Red Yucca plant prefers full sun to partial shade. It will grow best when it receives at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. To prevent it from wilting, you can opt to provide some afternoon shade.

3. Soil Requirements

This plant is adaptable to various soil types but thrives in well-draining sandy or gravelly soils. The only way to prevent root rot is to provide a soil which drains well. You can amend heavy clay soils with sand or gravel to improve drainage.

4. Water Requirements

Red Yucca can tolerate drought when it is well-established. When newly planted, it should be watered regularly to help establish its root system.

Water deeply but infrequently. Watering once every 2-4 weeks during the growing season should be sufficient. Reduce watering during the winter months.

5. Fertilizer Requirements

Red Yucca is not a heavy feeder. A slow-release fertilizer that is equally balanced can be applied during the spring season to enhance its healthy growth.

However, over-fertilizing may cause issues, as excessive nutrients can be detrimental.

Grass Diseases and Pests

Grass Diseases and Pests

Red yucca is generally considered a hardy, pest-free plant, but as with other plants, it is also prone to some diseases and pests. It is important to know about these so that steps can be taken to prevent anything from happening.

1. Aphids

Aphids are one irritating pest that affects every other plant. Aphids are tiny insects that suck the sap of the leaves and flower spikes of red yucca.

They can distort the plant’s growth and leave a sticky honeydew residue. This honeydew is known to lure ants, which then harm the plant by creating sooty mold.

Aphid infection can be managed and controlled by spraying the affected areas with a strong stream of water or using insecticidal soap.

2. Mealybugs


Mealybugs, a lesser-known name, are one dangerous insect red yucca is prone to. They, too, harm the plant the same way as aphids by sucking the sap of the plant.

Generally, they will look like cotton with a very whitish color, which is clearly visible on green leaves and stems. Like most aphids, you can eliminate mealy bugs by spraying insecticidal soap or neem oil.

3. Scale Insects

Scale insects can be a problem for red yucca. They appear as small, waxy bumps on the leaves and stems. These pests can weaken the plant by draining its sap.

You can remove it through your hands, or spraying soapy oil can be helpful.

4. Root Rot

Root Rot

While red yucca is drought-tolerant, poorly draining soil or watering way too frequently can cause a common disease called root rot.

The easy way to prevent your plant from root rot is to provide the plant with soil that has good drainage and wait for the plant to get completely dry before watering it again.

If you suspect root rot, trim away affected roots and try to regrow the plant in soil that is well drained.

5. Leaf Spot

Leaf spot, a very common disease, is generally caused by various fungi and can sometimes affect red yucca. You will know it’s affected by the disease if you see a dark and round-shaped spot on the leaves.

Remove and dispose of any affected leaves to get rid of leaf spots and avoid overhead watering.

6. Deer and Rodent Damage

Deer and Rodent Damage

In some areas, deer and rodents may nibble on red yucca leaves and flowers. Physical barriers or deer repellents can help protect your plants from such damage.


The red yucca plant is one of the most beautiful succulent plants that blooms in summertime. It is a hardy plant that requires a lot of sunlight and does well with its good companions. Grow it around sun-loving plants, like aloe vera or cactus, which will protect the plant from pests and strong winds. Also, avoid planting red yucca with plants that love shade and moisture, as it will stunt the growth of either of the plants.

Keep in mind its growing requirements and pests, which will ensure a long and healthy life and increase the plant’s productivity and the entire garden.

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