
Parsley Companion Plants: What Plant to Grow With Parsley

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Are you looking for a way to improve the health and productivity of your garden? Consider incorporating parsley companion plants into your design. Parsley is a popular and versatile herb that adds flavor and nutrition to your meals. Along with this, it has a unique ability to repel harmful insects and attract beneficial ones.

By planting parsley alongside other compatible crops, you can create a symbiotic relationship that benefits your plants and leads to a more successful harvest. In this blog, we shall see some of the best parsley companion plants, along with a few tips on how to grow them together to get maximum yield.

Benefits of Parsley Companion Plants

Parsley, as an herb, is quite distinct in its flavors but also has numerous health benefits as well, and with an awesome companion plant that offers several benefits to other plants in the garden.

With Parsley companion plants, you can get multiple benefits like pest control, improved nutrition, and more. Let us quickly look at a few benefits you can get from parsley companion plants.

1. Nutrient Absorption

Nutrient Absorption

By planting parsley companion plants, you can get increased absorption in nutrients from the soil and make them available to other plants. Also, as it is high in nitrogen, it will provide it to other plants. When parsley is planted alongside other crops, it can help to improve soil fertility and increase the overall health of the plants.

2. Pest Control

This is among the major benefits of planting parsley alongside other crops. It acts as a natural pest repellent as it contains compounds that repel harmful insects, such as carrot flies and aphids, which can damage crops. Parsley can significantly reduce the need for pesticides and other harmful chemicals.

3. Soil Protection

Soil Protection

Another benefit of parsley companion plants is that they help to protect the soil from erosion and other damage. Parsley has a long taproot that helps to break up compacted soil and improve its structure. It also helps to retain moisture in the soil, which is essential for plant growth.

Best Parsley Companion Plants

Now that you know all the benefits of Parsley companion plants, it’s time to check out the list of the best companion plants you can plant along with parsley.

These plants benefit from parsley’s ability to repel harmful insects and attract beneficial ones, as well as its deep root system that improves soil structure and nutrient uptake and a whole lot more. So let’s find out!

1. Tomatoes


Tomatoes and parsley make an excellent companion plant pairing. That’s because parsley helps to repel harmful insects that can damage tomato plants, like hornworms and whiteflies. Parsley also attracts hoverflies which kill aphids that attack your tomato plants. Plus it also absorbs nutrients from the soil and makes them readily available for the tomato plants, which as a result, can grow healthy and produce significant yields.

2. Chives


Parsley and Chives strangely pair well as companion plants. Chives are known to be repellent against harmful insects like aphids and thrips, which can damage parsley plants. They also have a strong aroma that will disguise parsley and make it less attractive to root flies. Along with this, it is also known to improve the flavor of parsley and other herbs.

3. Pepper


Pepper plants are great companion plants with parsley. These are just as heat-lovers as parsley. They require similar growing conditions. Also, as parsley repels pests like aphids, spider mites, and whiteflies, pepper plants can easily grow. In return, parsley can help improve the flavor of peppers when grown together. Also, parsley will attract predators that remove anything peppers cannot do alone.

4. Corn


Corn in your garden is going to benefit many other plants. But it attracts armyworms. Armyworms will eat away all the corn. But don’t worry. Planting parsley attracts insects that will feed on the armyworms and will help corn grow quickly. But remember that parsley is also a pest repellent and will also attract insects in its way.

5. Basil


Basil is an herb commonly used in cooking and often grown alongside parsley. These two plants complement each other well as they both require similar growing conditions and have similar watering needs. Planting basil and parsley nearby can repel asparagus beetles. You can also plant both of them nearby tomatoes, and the aroma of your garden will be a refreshing one!

6. Beans


Beans are plants known to improve nitrogen content in the soil, which parsley needs for healthy growth. Along with this, beans have shallow roots that can help the soil to moist, which is beneficial for parsley as it prefers consistently moist soil. But remember that both are heavy feeders so they can compete for nutrients in the soil. But in general, beans are vulnerable to cutworms. And the tachinid fly drawn to parsley is a natural predator of these pests.

7. Brassicas


Brassicas, such as broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, and kale, can make good companion plants to parsley. One reason is that brassicas attract pests like aphids and cabbage worms. But by planting parsley, its flowers attract beneficial insects that prey on these worms. Also, it protects parsley and promotes its growth.

Worst Companion Plants for Parsley

Some plants shouldn’t be planted next to parsley because they may compete with it for nutrients, draw pests, or otherwise stunt its development. Here are some plants that are not ideal for planting alongside parsley:

1. Mint


Plants like mint do not mix well with parsley. It has the propensity to take over your garden and, by battling for nutrients, can prevent parsley from growing. Also, both plants attract the same pests, including spider mites and aphids, which can damage and even kill parsley.

2. Dill


Although it is a type of herb that is frequently grown, dill does not go well with parsley. The parsley worm is reported to be drawn to dill. This worm feeds on parsley and can cause significant damage. Moreover, Dill can also inhibit the growth of parsley by competing for resources, such as water and nutrients.

3. Carrots


Many people think that carrots and parsley are good companion plants, but they are not. They both have similar growing requirements, which can lead to competition for resources. Both plants attract the same pests, including aphids and carrot rust that can damage and kill parsley.

Tips on growing Parsley Companion Planting

To ensure that parsley grows successfully with its companion plants, some planning and preparation must be done before planting. So in this section, we will provide you with quick and effective tips on growing parsley companion plants through which even a person with no gardening skills can grow parsley quite easily.

1. Start With Healthy Plants

Start with healthy plants

First, it is vital to have healthy parsley seedlings or seeds to ensure a successful harvest. So make sure you look for seedlings that have strong stems and healthy leaves. Also, the seeds should be fresh and not stored for long.

2. Consider Planting Parsley as a Cover Crop

You can plant parsley as a cover crop. You can plant it between rows of other crops to help improve soil health and prevent erosion. It will also benefit in another way as parsley will attract beneficial insects like lacewings etc., which can help to control harmful pests.

3. Trim Parsley Regularly

Make sure you trim parsley plants to enhance healthy growth and prevent them from becoming too large over overshadowing other crops. You can just trim the outer leaves of the plant as needed and make sure to leave the center leaves intact to allow the plant to continue growing.

4. Use Natural Pest Control Methods

Use Natural Pest Control Methods

Although parsley can help to repel harmful insects, it’s still important to monitor your plants for pests and take action as needed. You can make sure to use natural pests such as companion planting with other beneficial plants or applying neem oil or even introducing beneficial insects to your garden.

5. Rotate Crops

To prevent soil-borne diseases and pests, you can rotate crops each year. So make sure you don’t plant parsley or other plants in the same location in your garden for more than one growing season.


In conclusion, companion plants for parsley are an interesting and crucial component of any farm or garden. These plants offer several advantages to other garden plants in addition to parsley. By planting parsley with other appropriate plants, such as tomatoes and peppers, you can enjoy a plentiful harvest of fresh, tasty herbs and veggies. Also, you can draw in helpful insects like ladybirds and lacewings, which will deter destructive pests.

Companion plants for parsley can also aid the soil by fixing nitrogen and incorporating organic materials. This may result in enhanced water retention and increased fertility, resulting in more fruitful plants. Overall, adding parsley companion plants to your garden is a great method to increase its health and output. You may take advantage of a diverse and vibrant ecosystem that benefits you and the environment by introducing these plants into your garden. So why not try it and see the amazing benefits of parsley companion planting?

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