
How to Grow Dipladenia? – Ultimate Guide

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Tropical plants have always intrigued gardeners. One of its reasons is the ease of growing them and the vibrant blossoms they produce.

One of such tropical plants is Dipladenia, a South American native. Dipladenia vine is identical to Mandevilla vine and can be used as an ornamental plant outside in warm climates or indoors in colder months.

This tropical plant can add a splash of color to the summer garden. This plant produces vivid red, pink, and white trumpet-shaped flowers throughout the summer and autumn months. Therefore, to show off its profuse blossoms, you can plant Dipladenias on your decks, patios, balconies, and other outdoor settings.

Dipladenias thrive in containers and pots as well. And since, after reaching a certain height, Dipladenia vines will cascade downwards, you can create beautiful planters and hanging baskets with these plants.

Does it sound interesting? We know!

That’s why here we have presented an ultimate guide that will help you grow and care for your Dipladenias. So, stick with us to learn more!

Basic Information

Basic Information
Image Credit: Pink Dipladenia flowers by vorpalac
from Pixabay
Common NameDipladenia, Rocktrumpet, or Brazilian jasmine
Botanic NameMandevilla
Native toSouth America
Bloom TimeSummer through autumn (June to October)
FamilyApocynaceae (Dogbane)
Plant TypeShrub, hanging vine
Mature Size10 feet
Soil TypeMoist and well-drained soil.
Hardiness zoneZones 9- 11
Flower Color Red, pink, and white

Most Beautiful Dipladenia Varieties

Undoubtedly, Dipladenias look charming, and its genus includes over 200 different tropical species and hybrids. But there are certain varieties of this plant that you will find most commonly in the nursery or people’s gardens.

#1. Dipladenia Sanders

Dipladenia Sanders
Image Credit: Dipladenia Mandevilla Sanderi by DEZALB
From Pixabay
  • Trumpet-shaped flowers
  • Elliptical foliage
  • Produces pink-red flowers with orange throats
  • Can reach up to 15 feet
  • Suitable for larger space

#2. Rio Dipladenia

Rio Dipladenia
Image Credit: Pink Rio Dipladenia from Pinterest
  • Can reach up to 2 feet
  • Ideal for smaller areas
  • Produces pink blossoms
  • A more tender variety of Dipladenia

Differentiating Between Mandevilla and Dipladenia

Dipladenia belongs to the Mandevilla genus, but one question that often haunts gardeners is whether their Dipladenia is a Mandevilla. Well, you need not invest much time in figuring out the answer, as we did for you.

The primary and most prominent difference between Diplandena and Mandevilla vines is their growth habit. While Mandevilla vines tend to climb vertically in search of light from the canopy, Dipladenia plants are bushier with long, dangling stalks. Moreover, in Dipladenia plants, you will find the foliage trailing down towards the earth.

Another difference you can notice between them is the size of their flowers. While Manvellas produce larger blooms, Dipladenia blossoms tend to be more humble and petite.

Conditions to Grow


The first thing that should be taken care of is the location to plant. Choose a spot that receives good sun exposure for at least 6 hours a day. If you live in a hotter climate, though, you can choose a location where the plant will get some afternoon shade. This will prevent it from dying due to scorching sun heat.

If you plan to grow this plant indoors, you can place your container near the windowsill. However, if the spot receives direct scorching sun exposure, move the container to a shadier site.

In colder months, you can put your container under grow light.


Image Credit: The soil should be moist by planet_fox 
From Pixabay

Dipladenia plants love moist and well-drained soil. Also, a pH level between 6.6 and 7.8 would be ideal for these plants.

Sun Exposure

As we have mentioned, Dipladenis plants love a sunny exposure. Therefore, make sure that your plant stays warm and receives at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. That being said, take care not to burn out your Dipladenia.


Dipladenias are native to South America, where they grow at around 68°F or 20°C. Therefore, you can keep this in mind while choosing a spot for your plant in the garden. Also, it should be kept in mind that while growing this plant directly in the ground, you must maintain a high temperature in both the summer and winter months.

Growing Dipladenia

Growing Dipladenia
Image Credit: Growing Dipladenias from Piqsels

Since Dipladenias form impressive bushy structures, you can grow them indoors and outdoors.

It is pretty straightforward to grow this plant even if you are not a pro in gardening. Follow the steps below, and you will be able to plant your Dipladenia in no time.

  • Choose a location that receives good sun exposure.
  • Clean the area from unwanted debris.
  • Loosen up and amend the soil with homemade compost.
  • Dig a large hole in the amended soil.
  • If you are not sure about the size of the hole, place the plant, with the container, in the dug hole, and check if the lip of the container is at level with the surrounding soil.
  • After ensuring the size of the hole, gently remove the plant from the container and place it in the hole.
  • Backfill the dud hole and sprinkle water around the plant’s root area.

Note: You can also plant your Dipladenia indoors in a container. To do so, fill the container with a potting soil mix that drains well. Make sure to keep a hole at the bottom of the container. You can create your potting mix by combining equal parts, sand, leaf mold, and peat moss.

Caring Tips

It is not that hard to care for Dipladenia, provided you save it from chilling cold. Unfortunately, this plant has a tenancy to get frostbite during the winter months if the temperature dips to 50° Fahrenheit or below.

#1. Watering

It is correct that Dipladenia vines can survive in harsh summer temperatures. However, it should not allow you to water them any less. It should be kept in mind that these plants grow best in rich, moist, and well-drained soil.

Usually, it is better to water Dipladenias once every 7- 10 days. You may need to water your plants more frequently in warmer climatic conditions. However, be cautious not to over-water the soil to avoid water clogging and root rotting.

Also, during the winter months, cut back your watering frequency, as the plants would go dormant. In this regard, you can mulch around the plant root to facilitate better drainage.

#2. Fertilizing

These plants are not heavy feeders. So, you can apply a slow-releasing fertilizer in the spring for better growth results.

Also, during the growing months, you can feed your plant with a balanced liquid plant food (not more than twice a month). Finally, stop fertilizing once the temperature starts to dip, i.e., when your plant will enter the dormant period, especially after August.

#3. Temperature

As stated above, Dipladenias can thrive well in warmer temperatures. So, it is ideal for keeping them at temperatures above 65° Fahrenheit or above. As far as the nighttime temperature is concerned, it should be between 65- 70° Fahrenheit.

However, if you live in a colder region, you must bring your plant indoors during the winter months to save it from frostbites.

#4. Humidity

When it comes to humidity, Dipladenias aren’t picky. They can survive in almost every level of moisture. However, if the air surrounding your plant is too dry, misting it can prove helpful.

You can mist your plant now and then to maintain a good humidity level around it.

#5. Repotting

If you want, you can repot your plant at the beginning of the spring every year. These plants grow well in containers, pots, and hanging baskets. However, when repotting, try to increase the new pot size from the current pot.

The best way to know if your plant needs repotting is to check if the roots are growing out of the bottom of its current pot or basket.

#6. Pruning

Dipladenias would give you worry-free pruning sessions. Since these plants are low maintenance, you can occasionally pinch back the new growths to encourage bushier growth. When needed, you can also prune the dead leaves and stems. And if you want to give your plant the desired shape, cut or trim them occasionally.

If you are growing your plant directly in the ground, prune it at the beginning of the spring to encourage better growth. But if you have indoor Dipladenia vines, clipping off at the time of repotting can prove helpful.

#7. Overwintering

Since Dipladenia vines cannot tolerate low temperatures, overwintering is crucial. In fact, winter is that time of the year when these plants need the most care. That being said, here are some of the steps you can undertake to overwinter your plant:

  • Transfer your plant indoors
  • Transplant it into a pot or container
  • Prune your plant
  • Check for any pest infestation
  • Cut back watering
  • Place the pot in a warmer location

#8. Pest and Disease management

These plants rarely suffer from severe disease and pest infestation if cared for adequately. Still, it is always advisable to check your plant now and then.

That being said, the standard-issue your plant may face is root rotting. So, avoid overwatering it and check if the water is sufficiently draining out.

Another issue that you may witness is the yellowing of leaves when exposed to chilly weather or lack of watering. So, bring your plant indoors during the colder months and mist it if the air is too dry and hot.

As far as pests are concerned, you may have to deal with scale insects, aphids, and spider mites. To get rid of them, you would just need to wipe the leaves with cotton swabs. Applying to need oil on leaves can also prove beneficial.

Dipladenia Propagation

Dipladenias are easy to propagate. You can propagate these plants using vine cuttings. The steps are pretty straightforward and primarily result in successful propagation.

Using a pair of sharp cutting shears, cut a vine from a mature plant. Lower leaves should be removed and rinsed before allowing the vine to dry. After the vine has dried, plant it in a potting mix that drains well. Keep the newly planted cutting in a light, warm location with wet soil until the roots have formed.


Propagation can also be done by layering. To propagate via layering, all you need to do is just bend a vine lower towards the soil to touch it. You can layer the vine in the current pot or a new one but make sure to layer a 5- 10 inch vine in the soil.

Cover the contacting vine piece with fresh soil and sprinkle water to moisten the area. You can also put some small stones to keep the vine in place. Wait until the new vine grows roots, after which you can cut the vine portion and grow it as an individual plant.


Q1. Is Dipladenia toxic?

Ans. Although no report of fatal toxicity of Dipladenia could be found, it is advisable not to ingest this plant or its flowers. Doing so may cause mild toxicity. Moreover, plants belonging to the Mandevilla genus contain specific toxic properties, which may harm pets.

Q2. Is Dipladenia annual or perennial?

Ans. In USDA zones 9 through 11, Dipladenias grow as perennial plants, while in colder regions, they can be grown as annual plants.

Q3. Will my Dipladenia climb like vibes?

Ans. Dipladenia Plants are mainly bushy and tend to grow downwards after reaching a certain height. However, if you want your plant to climb higher, you can put a stake when the plant is at an early stage to maintain its climbing structure.

Q4. Will my Dipladenia come back every year?

Ans. Since these plants are perennial, you can expect them to grow back in regions where the winters are milder, and there is no frost.

Q5. What is the ideal time for growing Dipladenia?

Ans. If you plant your Dipladenia directly in the ground, spring would be the ideal weather. This plant can tolerate a high heat exposure but has a low frost tolerance level.


Dipladenias are basically happy tropical plants that will give you a vibrant color show all through the summer months. These are annual plants that require low maintenance to grow and thrive. Also, you can grow these plants in containers, pots, and hanging flower baskets.

And if you want to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, you can plant Dipladenias directly in the ground. Just follow the steps we have presented above, and we can guarantee that you will get a mesmerizing flower show throughout the spring and summer months.

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