
Oregano Companion Planting: 15 Plants to Grow With Oregano

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Usually, herbs do great in the companion planting context. Growing herbs as trap plants can deter pests while attracting beneficial insects and pollinators. Oregano, a mint family member, is widely used in Italian cooking. Oregano can be found in almost every Italian dish, including soups, stews, pizzas, grilled meat, etc. As a result, growing this herb in your backyard could be a very wise decision. This is especially important for those who enjoy Italian delicacies.

However, if you do not intend to grow only oregano in your garden, you should concentrate on pairing it with befitting companion plants. There are numerous advantages to planting oregano with companion plants, including improved growth, pest deterrence, pollinator attraction, and so on. So, in this post, we’ve gone over the plants you should grow with your oreganos.

Please read through the list to get a sense of the plants that pair well with this Mediterranean herb.

What is Companion Planting?

If you’re new to companion planting, this is a good place to start.

The practice of growing plants together is known as companion planting. It is a very old gardening concept for gardeners who want to diversify their garden and keep it healthy. Like humans, plants thrive when they are paired with beneficial companions. They suffer, however, if they are paired with bad company. There are several main reasons for practicing companion planting, some of which are listed below.

  • Companion planting promotes plant growth and production.
  • This procedure attracts beneficial insects and pollinators.
  • Nurse companion plants help host plants thrive.
  • Certain companion plants serve as trap plants, catching pests and preventing them from invading your garden.
  • Companion planting can also aid in soil nourishment.
  • A few companion plants offer a protective layer to slow-growing plants.

15 Best Plants to Pair with Oregano

Oregano plants could be beneficial to other garden plants. In fact, they do more to other plants than the benefits they receive from them. Although there aren’t many plants that go well with oregano, the list below will help you decide which ones to pair with this Mediterranean herb.

1. Tarragon

Image Credit: https://www.thespruceeats.com/

Tarragon, like oregano, is a Mediterranean herb that is widely used in European cuisines such as French, Italian, and Greek. Therefore, this is an essential herb to have in your garden. In addition, tarragon plants serve as nurse plants, enhancing the growth and flavor of any plant that grows nearby. You can plant French and Russian tarragon with oregano and other vegetable and fruit plants.


  • Enhances flavor and growth of neighboring plants
  • These are nursing plants
  • Keep pests away from your garden

2. Tomato

Image Credit: https://www.newscientist.com/

Another plant that pairs well with oregano is the tomato. Aphids are discouraged by the presence of oregano near tomato plants. Also, oregano flowers attract beneficial insects and pollinators, benefiting tomato plants.


  • Aphid repellent
  • Better pollination
  • Oregano plants planted beneath tomato plants may help to increase soil humidity.

Also Read: How to Grow Hydroponic Tomatoes? Steps & Pictures

3. Cabbage

Image Credit: https://www.yara.co.uk/

Oregano plants act as insect repellent for cabbages. Vegetables from the brassica family are highly prone to pests like worms and cabbage moths. These pests can reduce the quality of the vegetable. Hence, if you pair oregano with any brassica family plant, you can surely get peace of mind. Oregano repels cabbage moths and other worms and butterflies.


  • Cabbage moth repellent
  • It keeps butterflies at bay

4. Cucumber

Image Credit: https://www.allaboutgardening.com/

If you have cucumbers in your garden, you should be aware of how cucumber beetles affect these fruits. As a result, if you deal with these pests, you should make some space for growing oregano near cucumbers. Cucumber beetles despise oregano, and they won’t prefer to hover near your cucumbers. Combine oregano and cucumbers in the same patch and watch the magic happens.


  • Repels cucumber beetles

Bonus Read: Cucumber Companion Plants: What to Plant and What not to

5. Marjoram

Image Credit: https://www.thespruce.com/

People frequently confuse oregano with marjoram. These herbs belong to the mint family and grow in the Mediterranean region, but they are not the same. Marjoram has a stronger aroma than oregano. When planted together, these two herbs make excellent garden companions.


  • Marjoram enhances the flavor and growth of nearby plants.

6. Lavender

Image Credit: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/

We all love the sight of the purple blossoms of lavender plants. And if you have oregano in your garden, you can certainly grow lavenders as companion plants. Both these plants have the same soil need and do not dominate each other while growing together.


7. Asparagus

Image Credit: https://www.britannica.com/

We can’t talk about oregano companion planting without mentioning asparagus. If you are not looking forward to asparagus berries, combine oregano plants with male asparaguses. This variety does not produce fruits but has three times more growth than the female variety.


  • Asparagus repels nematodes
  • Oregano can help asparagus plants repel weeds and pests

8. Grapes

Image Credit: https://www.newscientist.com/

Combining grapes and oregano can be beneficial to your garden. Grapes and oregano have similar requirements, making them ideal garden companions. Oregano can also help repel pests that wreak havoc on grapevines.


  • Oregano can resist the attacks of Flea beetles and grape leaf holders.

9. Pepper

Image Credit: https://www.britannica.com/

Peppers come in a variety of colors and shapes. And they complement any dish, from Italian to Oriental. Pepper plants and oregano go well together.


  • Peppers improve the flavor of oregano
  • Oregano keeps pests away from pepper plants
  • Oregano’s dense foliage provides humidity and shade for pepper plants to thrive

10. Strawberry

Image Credit: https://garden.lovetoknow.com/

Strawberries go well with cereals, custards, and smoothies, among other things. We all love these fruits, and so do insects. If you have strawberry plants in your garden, you know how frequently pests attack them. As a result, combining them with oregano can help repel harmful insects and pests.


  • Oregano acts as a pest repellent for strawberries.

11. Rosemary

Image Credit: https://unsplash.com/

Rosemary is among the few herbs that don’t mix well with others. However, it can be combined with oregano. Rosemary, a relative of oregano, is a drought-tolerant plant. You can plant them together because oregano and rosemary have similar water requirements. These herbs also grow well together in large containers.


  • Rosemary helps keep pests at bay from the garden.

12. Watermelon

Image Credit: https://tuigarden.co.nz/

Watermelons are excellent summer fruits. Growing them in your garden could provide an unlimited supply. Also, oregano aids in external pollination, which is extremely beneficial to watermelon plants. As a result, planting watermelons with oregano may be beneficial.


  • Watermelons are pollinated by pollinators attracted to oregano flowers.
  • Assist in increasing watermelon yield

13. Sage

Image Credit: https://www.longfordgardencentre.com/

Sage, another distant relative of oregano, can be easily combined with this herb. Both of these herbs are drought-tolerant and can thrive with minimal watering. As a result, growing sage and oregano on the same patch may be beneficial.


  • Help each other thrive better.

14. Thyme

Image Credit: https://themom100.com/

Thyme and oregano complement each other well. Nothing beats the combination of thyme and oregano with low-growing creepers like alyssum in a rock garden.


  • Both thyme and oregano attract beneficial insects.

15. Beans

Beans are one such vegetable plant that does not often pair well with other herbs and veggies. Nonetheless, they can be grown with oregano. Furthermore, oregano aids in repelling pests, like aphids, from beans.


  • Oregano acts as a pest repellent for beans.

Other Plants That You can Grow with Oregano

Here are some other companion plants that can be paired with oregano. Remember, oregano proves to be a beneficial plant for almost all garden veggies, fruits, and herbs.

  • Bee Balm
  • Carrot
  • Eggplant
  • Squash
  • Zucchini
  • Marigold
  • Sweet Alyssum
  • Turnip
  • Corn

Plants to Avoid Pairing With Oregano

There aren’t many plants that don’t like oregano. However, certain plants should not be planted with this herb. The following is a list of some of the more common plants.

1. Celery, Lettuce, and Basil

Oregano is a Mediterranean herb that loves well-drained soil, whereas celery, lettuce, and basil love moistened soil. Hence, growing them together is not a good idea.

2. Mints

Image Credit: https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/

Mints are extremely invasive. As a result, if you plan to cultivate oregano in garden beds, they will overgrow oregano. Additionally, mint has a strong aroma that attracts many pests, including aphids and flea beetles.

3. Fennel

Fennel is not a good herb companion. Fennel tends to alter the flavor of nearby plants, making them less appealing. This herb is also very competitive and can quickly outgrow oregano.

Benefits of Oregano Companion Planting

After becoming acquainted with oregano’s companion plants, let us investigate the advantages of growing oregano as a companion plant. Oregano not only enhances the flavor of a dish but also is a useful herb in the garden. Oregano shines as both a host and a companion plant. Here are some of the most common advantages of using this herb as a companion plant.

1. Pest Repellation

One of the most significant advantages of growing oregano as a companion plant is its pest repelling characteristic. This herb acts as a natural pest repellent, keeping your property clean and pest-free. Pests that sniff out your host plants are rendered confused by the strong aroma of oregano. As a result, pairing this herb with vegetables, fruits, flowers, and other herbs is good.

2. Easy to Cultivate

Another great reason to grow oregano is that it is simple to grow. This herb requires bright sunlight, well-drained soil, and a hot climate. Your oregano plants will flourish. Remember that oregano can tolerate wet conditions as well as some shade. However, please do not keep them in excessively wet soil, as this can cause root rot. 

3. Good As a Medicine

Oregano is potent natural medicine. Oregano oil, oregano tea, and other similar products are excellent alternative medicine options for humans. In aspects of crops, oregano serves as a nursing plant. This herb repels pests and attracts beneficial insects.

4. Attracts Good Insects

As previously stated, oregano flowers attract pollinators and beneficial insects. Oregano, for example, provides shelter and food for good insects such as lacewings, which act as predators for aphids, whiteflies, cabbage moths, and other pests. As a result, combining oregano with your garden vegetables is a good idea.

5. Acts as Living Mulch

Oregano is an excellent ground cover. As a result, if your garden receives little traffic, cover it with oregano, and this herb will aid in maintaining soil temperature and humidity. In other words, this Mediterranean herb can be used as living mulch in your garden.

Things to Consider While Practicing Companion Planting with Oregano

It is not incorrect to refer to oregano as the undisputed king of herbs. This Mediterranean herb improves the flavor of almost any snack. So, if you’re thinking about doing some oregano companion planting, here are a few pointers.

  • Begin growing oregano seedlings indoors.
  • You can transplant the young plants outside once they have hardened off.
  • Sow the oregano seeds about 13 inches deep from the topsoil.
  • Grow oregano seedlings in large containers before transplanting them outside.
  • Occasionally, trim the stems.
  • Place your plants in direct sunlight.
  • Compost should be added to your soil.
  • Water your oregano plants frequently because they are deep-rooted herbs that require water to thrive.


Companion planting is an essential component of sustainable farming. Companion plants help host or neighboring plants thrive better by attracting beneficial insects, repelling pests, providing nutrients, shade, etc. And, because of its many benefits, oregano makes an excellent companion plant.

We hope you enjoyed this oregano companion plant post. This herb is simple to grow, repels pests, adds flavor to your food, and so on. Let us know in the comments if you’ve ever grown this herb with another herb, vegetable, or fruit. We’d love to hear about your experience.

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