
How to Propagate Snake Plant? The 4 Best Ways!

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It is easy to grow, requires little care, and thrives almost anywhere. But is it just as easy to propagate snake plant?

You probably have one Sanseviera at home making the place a lot more pleasant and lively. It has been growing for long and now looks GORGEOUS!

But lately, the plant started to overgrow the pot. So it’s suffering. And you don’t know what to do…

The solution? Propagate the pups or leaves somewhere else. 

That sounds super-hard, right? So how can you do it? Don’t worry, it’s nowhere as difficult as it sounds…

Can You Propagate Snake Plant?

Propagate Snake Plant

Let’s state the obvious here: yes, you can propagate a Sansevieria. And it’s easy.

You’ll probably read online and listen to some people who state the opposite. 

Ignore them. Propagating a snake plant is entirely possible. 

AGAIN, you can indeed propagate snake plants SAFELY and EASILY as long as you know our ways. 

When people say it’s not possible, it’s because they either did it WRONGLY or because they didn’t WAIT long enough for the plant to root. 

We’ll show you how to prevent all of that and instead see your Sansevieria thriving after a while. 

When to Propagate Snake Plant?

When to Propagate Snake Plant

Let’s say you aren’t sure whether you should propagate the snake plant. How would you know then?

Here are a few signs your Sansevieria needs to be propagated:

  • Some leaves are starting to break or bend, some are falling off the pot/garden bed. This means the plant is overgrown, and it needs some pruning (so you can relocate the cut portions)
  • The plant is suffering from root rot, but only a few leaves are showing signs of disease. You can propagate the healthy ones.
  • It doesn’t look good on the pot or garden anymore. You feel it looks too big or excessive. So you want to change that.

Apart from all that, you may just want to propagate it for the sake of propagation. Take a pup or a leaf from where it’s growing to any other place. 

What’s better, you can do it at any moment. Snake plants are a type of succulents that can be propagated whenever you want (though their roots grow better in spring!). 

Have that in mind now? 

Best 4 Ways to Propagate a Snake Plant 

Best 4 Ways to Propagate a Snake Plant

It doesn’t take an expert gardener to propagate a snake plant. Believe us when we say that.

But you should still make sure to follow a suitable method. We’ll tell you why below:

1. Propagating with Leaf Cuttings on Soil

This is probably the easiest, as well as the most popular. And it’s not a surprise why.

Leaf cuttings grow BY FAR the fastest when planted directly on the soil. They root super-quickly and provide almost instant gratification (you won’t have to worry much about it).

This will be a perfect idea if you want to transplant in a pot or garden. 

Here’s how it goes:

  • Start by gathering the equipment: a cactus soil mix, a bottle of rooting hormone, a sharp knife or pruners, and a pot or garden ready.
  • Now go and cut the leaf you want to use. It’s better to use a healthy leaf over a damaged or sick one. 
  • For the cut, measure at least 2 inches from the bottom to the tip. Then cut a V shape with the knife (the tip of the V pointing up).
  • You now have the leaf cutting(s). Prepare the pot/garden now, pouring the cactus soil mix in place. 
  • Then pour some of the rooting hormone in the section of the leaf you just cut. Let it absorb the liquid for a few minutes. 
  • Open a small hole in the soil, large enough so the leaf cutting fits inside without falling. Then insert the leaf gently into it.
  • Pour some water to make the soil a bit wet. Then let it grow. Water whenever the soil dries up. 
  • Finish by moving the pot to a place where it receives at least 6 hours a day (or make it so in the garden).

You’ve propagated a leaf cutting from a snake plant using soil. Let’s now learn the other methods!

2. Propagating with Leaf Cuttings in Water

Propagating with Leaf Cuttings in Water

Snake plants prefer soil, but water also gets the job done. It’s a bit riskier, though. Soil doesn’t have the same nutrients as soil, so the leaf cutting needs to be as healthy as possible.

But it’s still possible and actually pretty fun. This would be an excellent idea for those who don’t have a space for the leaf cutting yet (or want to take it somewhere and need to travel for a few days first).

Either way, here’s how you can propagate in water:

  • Once again, gather the equipment first: start with the rooting hormone, the knife, and the jar/container where you’re pouring the water. 
  • Cut the leaf with a V shape at the bottom. Measure at least 4 inches from the bottom to the tip. Let the leaf cutting heal for a couple of days. 
  • Then grab it and pour the rooting hormone into the bottom of the leaf. Let it get absorbed for a few hours.
  • Now place the leaf cutting in water. The water shouldn’t submerge the entire leaf (only less than half), and it should rest on the edges (preferably straight).
  • You only need to check every few days for algae. The water tends to get dirty fast. If it does, then change it for fresh water.

Roots and new leaves will start to grow from the bottom within a few days. So after a few months, you should have a growing snake plant in water – doesn’t that sound great?

Be aware that the plant will be a little more fragile in water than in soil, so it’s vital to keep the liquid clean and the plant pest-free. 

3. Dividing the Snake Plant

Also known as the division method. It is another popular way to propagate, especially snake plants.

This would be the perfect solution to overgrown snake plants. Those that don’t fit in their pot or garden anymore, or look awkward for how big they are, could use some division to fix that.

The whole purpose is to separate the leaves from the root, so you get several fully-grown leaves ready to be transplanted. 

Here’s how to make that possible:

  • First, remove the snake plant from where it’s planted (likely a pot). Do it gently not to cause damage to the roots. Then, use a spade to slowly dig the sides before pulling the leaves.
  • Now you have the root visible. Check whether you can divide it into several parts. You should see no less than two possible divisions or “clumps” (roots with leaves.
  • To separate, grab each clump firmly. Then, tug them away from each other softly. You can also use a knife, but this could cut where you don’t want to (so be extra careful). 
  • Proceed to prepare the pot/garden where you’re planting the division(s). Cactus soil mix could work, but we recommend using the same soil as before if possible. 
  • Finish by planting each clump as deep as it was before. If the leaves need some help staying straight, you can tie them down with a wool cord.

Propagating by division rarely fails, and it’s pretty easy, so don’t overlook this method. 

4. Propagating a Snake Plant from Rhizome

Propagating a Snake Plant from Rhizome

Believe it or not, snake plants can grow directly from a rhizome (root) without the leaves. 

You read that right. This rhizome, or root that grows horizontally, typically produces pups. Also called offsets, these are the “babies” of the plant. When planted, a healthy rhizome will look to grow these pups as long as the conditions allow.

This would be a perfect solution if you just want to grow the plant somewhere else but don’t want to cut leaves.

Best of all, it is relatively straightforward:

  • First of all, gather the tools: newspaper, sharp knife or shears, pots/garden space, a spade, and a succulent soil mix. 
  • Start by getting the snake plant out of its pot/garden. Use the spade to dig around gently, then pull it out the same way. 
  • With the plant in hand, check the rhizomes. You should try to remove a section with no leaves and at the edges of the clumps. It should be relatively independent.
  • Now clean the sharp knife or shears, and cut that section away. It should be anywhere from 2 to 4 inches long for the best results. 
  • With the rhizome in hand, pour the soil into a pot/garden. And then plant—no rooting hormone or water required at this stage. Just make sure it is at no more than 0.5 inches deep.
  • Replant the snake plant where it was and make sure it stays healthy. Then, keep watering both for a few weeks. 
  • You should see the rhizome sprouting within 2 to 4 weeks from the planting. If not, you probably made a mistake. 

This is probably the hardest of all snake plant propagation methods, but it’s also one of the most rewarding. So you’ll have a blast if it works!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Where to plant a snake plant outside?

It should be a place where sunlight hits at least 6 hours a day. The reason is that snake plants THRIVE with sun rays. Without them, they struggle.

Where to keep a snake plant at home?

As long as you can ensure proper sunlight, there’s almost no limit where you can place snake plants indoors. But if there’s a preferred place, that would be an area where they can also receive some warmth (no less than 50 degrees Fahrenheit). 

How fast does a snake plant grow back?

It depends on the propagation method you chose. For example, leaf cuttings tend to start growing within the first few days after planting. On the other hand, divisions start growing almost right away once the roots establish. And for rhizome propagation, you may need to wait a couple of weeks or a bit more. 

How much water for a snake plant?

The general rule is to water snake plants every time the soil gets dry. That means about every once a day in dry locations and about weekly in moist ones. 

Can a snake plant take full sun?

Yes, but no. What does that mean? Snake plants THRIVE with the sun but aren’t cactuses or desert plants. Sooner or later, too much sun may cause damage. If you see the leaves yellowing, take the snake plant to a less sunny place for a while.

When to separate snake plant pups?

You can separate them as long as the pups seem healthy and the plant is already mature. However, it is better to do so in spring

Can a snake plant survive winter?

Yes, but only when they’re indoors or protected. For example, if you’re leaving a snake plant outdoors when frosts arrive, try to cover them from snow and winds. Otherwise, it will probably get sick in no time. 

Get That Snake Plant Growing!

Start propagating that snake plant right away. Don’t waste any time!

Depending on the method you choose to propagate snake plant, you could see up to 2 or 3 weeks to see any growth.

You probably don’t want to wait that long…

So, why don’t you start propagating right away instead? Use our methods above and follow our advice. That snake plant is waiting!

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