
Peace Lily Drooping: Causes & How To Fix

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Peace lilies are among the most common houseplants there are and look elegant when placed anywhere from offices to living rooms to backyards to window sills. However, these plants are prone to wilting, and there are a number of reasons one might see their peace lilies wilting. 

Peace lilies

Noticing the early signs of a peace lily drooping will help fix the problem sooner. This guide informs you on the causes for a peace lily drooping and remedies to help with the same. 

Peace Lily Drooping: Causes and Remedies

There can be multiple causes associated with your peace lily drooping. Some of the most prevalent causes are:

#1. Overwatering 

Overwatering a peaceful lily regularly creates soggy soil, which leads to root rot. These instances of root rot cause the roots to stop functioning, and they eventually die.

Once the roots rot, the plant is unable to absorb water and nutrients. Even if there is plenty of water in the soil, it cannot reach the plant’s leaves, causing drooping.


Overwatering is typically indicated by yellow leaves on a peace lily, so one should act quickly upon seeing it.

Few common signs of overwatering a peace lily include: 

  • Drooping leaves
  • Yellowing leaves
  • Roots with a black tip
  • The margins and tips of the leaves are brown
  • The stalks have dark brown markings on them
  • Slight yellowing of the lower foliage

To avoid overwatering, make sure the plant has well-draining soil and that the soil is inspected for moisture before watering it each time.

A few ways to prevent overwatering your plant are: 

  • Before watering, make sure the topsoil is completely dry.
  • Place a skewer pick in the dirt and ensure that the top half of the soil is dry before watering.
  • Be flexible when it comes to watering. It is advisable to water depending on the condition of the soil rather than following a strict schedule.

If you suspect your peace lily has been overwatered, follow the steps below to ascertain the condition of your plant and help it:

  • Check the topsoil. Stick your finger down into the potting soil, and if it’s damp, then your plant is overwatered.
  • Take a break from watering your peace flower. Wait until the top part of the soil is dry but do not dry it completely to the point of malnourishment.
  • Don’t be tempted to put it somewhere sunny and dry, as it might end up doing more damage to the plant.
  • If any of the leaves do not return, cut them with a sterile, blunt blade and wait a day to check which leaves are sprouting and which aren’t.

In case your plant has already been overwatered, do not lose hope. The above-mentioned ways can save it and lead to its complete revival. However, it is best to prevent this situation altogether to ensure your plant has a healthy life.

#2. Underwatering

Underwatering leads to peace lily drooping because the root system does not deliver enough water and nutrients to the stem and leaves. As a result, the plant begins to droop and dry.

A few symptoms of an underwatered peace lily are:

  • Yellowing of the leaves
  • Development of dry patches

Peace lilies have a tendency to droop abruptly if they don’t get enough water. One might even notice their plant thriving one day and dropping the next day.

When it comes to peace lilies, an imperative factor to remember is to water them right before the flowers begin to wilt and droop. Fortunately, the plant is robust, and if the leaves are dropping from being underwater, giving it some water will help in recovery.

Leaving a peace lily dehydrated for too long will cause it to develop yellow, dry leaves. So, don’t leave it without water for too long once it begins to droop. Learn about the elements that determine how often you should water your houseplants in order to keep your indoor plants happy. 

A few habits to follow when watering peace lilies are:

  • Water your plant at least once a week on average.
  • Be aware that the frequency of watering may vary depending on factors such as heat, humidity, and temperature.
  • Never let the soil become completely dry.

In case you see the plant drooping due to underwatering – remember – there are ways to revive it.

A few steps to help revive an underwatered peace lily from drooping are: 

  • Check the soil all the way to the bottom with a skewer pick or a wooden stick.
  • Use room temperature water to water the plant.
  • If you suspect the plant may be in a hot and sunny position, move it to a cooler and more shaded place.

Looking for early signs is a great way to ensure the good health of your plant, just as following good watering patterns is. 

#3. Excess Sunlight 

Peace lilies thrive in slightly shaded areas. This is an unsurprising fact, given that peace lilies grow in the shade of the forest canopy and receive very little direct sunlight.

A peace lily can take a few hours of direct sunshine every day, especially in colder areas, but not for lengthy periods of time. If you expose it to consistent, long durations of direct sunlight, burned leaves will become dry and acquire brown patches or tips.

Excess Sunlight

Drooping occurs as a result of great light and heat exposure, which causes a higher transpiration rate and, as a result, more water loss. The plant will naturally droop as a result of this.

Yet, there are ways to remedy a peace lily drooping due to excess light. A few of these methods are:

  • Move the plant to a location where it will receive lots of light but not direct sunlight.
  • Knowing the difference between direct and diffused light may make a huge impact on the plant’s health.
  • Water the plant only when it is absolutely necessary.
  • Once the plant is weak, it may not be able to absorb all of the water, resulting in wet soil and overwatering.
  • If your plant is outside, such as on a patio, relocate it to a shady spot (or go through these ⦁ economical shading options for your canopy).
  • In any event, a peace lily should never be planted directly in front of a window.
Excess Sunlight

Other than that, try placing the plant in an ideal location from the beginning to prevent it from getting sunburnt. 

#4. Insect Infestations 

Peace lilies aren’t typically the type of flowers that would be considered pest magnets. However, one insect, in particular, is prone to infesting the plant. They are mealybugs.

What’s worse is that mealybugs are capable of causing extensive damage to any plant they infest. 

Mealybugs attach themselves to the stems and leaves of a plant and then consume the plant sap, thus sucking the life out of it. When this happens, the plant will begin to dry and droop.

Insect Infestations

If you see your peace lily drooping, examine it closely to determine if any insects or pests are at work. If small fluffy tufts of white appear on the stems and leaves of the houseplant, there is a high possibility that your plant has been infested by mealybugs.

To get rid of mealybugs, follow these steps:

  • Clean the plants with alcohol to remove existing bugs and insects. 
  • Spray the plant from top to bottom with 70% isopropyl alcohol to ensure the entire plant gets treated.
  • Follow this by giving the plant a gentle rinse using cool water to remove the dead bugs.
  • If any bugs remain, remove them using a cotton swab or cloth soaked in rubbing alcohol. 
  • An alternative to using rubbing alcohol is to treat the plant with a diluted solution of dish soap. 
Insect Infestations

To completely avoid these bugs from attaching themselves to your plant, there are a few additional steps you can follow. The reason these bugs harm the plant is that they can attach themselves to the wax on the leaves. However, by applying soap to these leaves, you can avoid this scenario.

Considering following the steps mentioned below:

  • Fill a basin halfway with water and set it aside
  • Grate approximately half a bar of natural Castile soap into each basin
  • Place the bowl in a pot and melt over low heat until completely melted
  • Allow it to cool and fill a spray bottle with the mix
  • Spray your plant generously
  • Repeat if and when necessary

You can even add peppermint oil to the castile soap mix to keep insects and pests at bay since they usually enjoy warm and humid conditions and otherwise would find a new breeding spot. 

#5. Wrong Temperatures

Some plants can withstand extremes in temperature without showing any visible indications on their leaves.

Peace lilies, on the other hand, have very fragile leaves, and their first reaction when any of the atmospheric circumstances aren’t perfect is to let them droop.

Wrong Temperatures

It all comes down to the leaves’ physiognomy, structure, and shape: a long, leafy, and thin stalk and a midrib with big and thin leaves. Additionally, the petiole does not have a lot of strength.

This is why any rapid shift in temperature will cause peace lilies to react fast.

Leaf drooping can be caused by a quick temperature shift as well. To elaborate, if the temperature moves out of the norm, it might induce leaf drooping.

A peace lily may thrive in temperatures ranging from 40 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit (5 to almost 38oC). That’s a big range, but unfortunately, as soon as the temperature rises above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, it will begin to suffer. The leaves will turn limp, which is the first sign to watch out for. 

To prevent a peace lily from drooping because of wrong temperatures, take these steps of prevention and precaution:

  • Choose a location for your peace lily that has a consistent temperature.
  • Heat sources, such as heaters, stoves, fireplaces, and, of course, windows, should be kept away from the plant.
  • It should not be placed near an air conditioner vent.
  • Keep it away from doorways, which can produce draughts and temperature swings.
Wrong Temperatures

If you observe any significant leaf damage, especially from the cold, you should clip the damaged leaves with a sharp and sterile blade.

#6. Incorrect Soil Type 

Peace lilies are not picky plants, but if their soil does not drain correctly and becomes soggy, they will soon show symptoms of drooping. Thus, it’s critical not to suffocate the roots of your peace lily.

The wrong soil type might result in root rot and the death of your plant. It’s critical to offer a proper growth medium for your houseplant. Not to forget, failure to do so may result in problems for the plant.

If the soil isn’t proper for your plant, it won’t get the nutrients it needs. This can result in toxicity or deficiencies.

Incorrect Soil Type

Even if there is no obvious shortage or toxicity, the plant may struggle to get the nutrients it requires.

Moisture retention and drainage are also dependent on the potting mix you select, so the texture is crucial. It requires excellent aeration; otherwise, the roots would be unable to breathe, drink, or even feed.

To ensure you are giving your peace lily the right potting soil, these basic soil requirements should be met:

  • A pH of 5.8 to 6.5 is ideal, it’s acceptable if the soil is somewhat acidic, but there should be no alkaline soil.
  • It should be flexible and aerated as it will suffocate the plant if it is too compact
  • Organic matter should be plentiful
  • Should have good drainage

An example of a good soil mix is peat with sand, perlite, and bark. However, there are some features and types of soil you should completely avoid when growing a peace lily. These types are: 

  • Clay soils: Soils with a high percentage of clay are prone to waterlogging or sluggish drainage, which is not ideal for the peace lily.
  • Gritty or sandy soils: As previously said, gritty dirt drains the soil too rapidly, preventing nutrients and moisture from being absorbed.
Incorrect Soil Type

If you believe that bad quality soil is the reason you see your peace lily drooping, the only way to fix it is by replanting.

#7. Humidity 

Warm temperatures with high humidity levels are ideal for peace lilies. Your home plant may begin to droop if the air is dry and the humidity level is low. Other indicators of a home plant requiring higher humidity are:

  • The edges of the leaves begin to darken
  • Leaves that are becoming yellow
  • The leaves begin to get hard and crunchy

If your plant is drooping due to low humidity levels in the area it is growing in; you may resolve the issue by raising the humidity levels. Some ways to improve the situation of your plant are:

  • Set up an air-humidifier in the room where the peace lily is placed.
  • Mist it with a spray bottle filled with water on a daily basis.
  • Water in the saucer can be used to add humidity, but it should not come into contact with the roots.
  • Place the pot on top of stones, bits of wood or place a larger saucer underneath the present saucer and fill it with water.
  • Consider moving the plant to a different location since some areas of a room are drier than others.
  • Furthermore, depending on the exposition as well as the purpose of the space, certain rooms have greater air humidity levels, such as kitchens.

In short, place your peace lily in an area after carefully speculating whether the humidity conditions are favorable or not.


Peace lilies are delicate plants that need the perfect conditions to thrive. Therefore, it is advisable to take extra care of these plants. 

DIY gardeners should hold weekly checks for these plants to notice any early signs of peace lily drooping. Additionally, an effort should be made to look out for fading leaves and the crusting of the leaves. 

Most gardening problems can be solved without much effort, yet it is better to apply prevention techniques to keep your plant in good shape. 

Bonus Read: Another way to give the perfect growing conditions to your plants is through these grow tents.

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