
Neon Pothos Care: Step By Step

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Taking care of indoor plants can be fussy and daunting, even for experienced gardeners. If you are a beginner, you may need some guidance on following practical gardening ethics.

Allow us to introduce the sturdy pothos plants. Often labeled as the least troublesome houseplant one can grow, pothos has a reputation for being virtually impossible to kill.

Neon Pothos Care

There are several kinds of pothos you can choose to grow. Some commonly found varieties are golden pothos, marble pothos, neon pothos, and jade pothos. They all have relatively similar nurturing processes, but each variety has its unique advantages.

Neon pothos is named after their bright chartreuse color. This gorgeous plant can cheer up any space and is wonderfully easy to grow, even if you are a complete novice to the world of indoor gardening.

To make things even simpler for you, we have provided a simple, step-by-step tutorial on how to grow neon pothos, along with FAQs and any other information you may need to keep your plants healthy and worthy of a slot in your busy gardening schedule.

What Do Neon Pothos Need To Grow?

Like all pothos plants, neon pothos is incredibly independent. Once properly planted, you will have to do very little as far as maintenance goes. To ensure your plant has the best conditions to grow, consider the following factors:

Growing Medium

Neon pothos needs loose, well-drained soil with a pH of around 6.1 to 6.5. However, it can grow just as well in soil with a slightly lesser pH as well. The most crucial factor is ensuring your growing medium is well-aerated and quickly drained.

A lesser-known fact about pothos is that you can grow them hydroponically as well. Many gardeners grow hydroponic pothos, as the root structure can be fascinating to watch.

Growing Medium

You can try this method, but remember that their growth won’t be as extensive as soil-based plants. Unless you are an expert at indoor gardening, we recommend growing your pothos in the soil itself.

If you are using store-bought potting soil, make sure it is suitable for houseplants. You can check the label for a disclaimer. In addition to that, you can add perlite to your growing medium for better drainage.

Caution: Never use gardening soil to plant pothos, as it is too heavy and won’t allow proper root growth.


Being tropical plants, pothos thrives in high humidity. Your plants will be flourishing if you live in an area with a lot of rainfall. Although, there is no need to worry if you live in a cold, dry region.

Sturdy as they are, neon pothos grows fairly well in all climates. You can boost your plant’splant growth by spraying water throughout your room to keep the environment humid or even use a humidifier if you live in a particularly dry region.



For their characteristic vibrant foliage, neon pothos needs plenty of sunlight. However, it is best not to keep them under direct sunlight, as this can cause unattractive browning in the leaves.

Neon pothos also grows well under fluorescent lighting, making them the perfect office plants.

Although if the light is too low, your plant will have an unnaturally pale color. Your best bet is to arrange for medium-light throughout the day. If your only options are direct sunlight or shallow lighting, you may also consider installing grow lights.


Neon pothos needs these primary nutrients for proper growth:

  • Nitrogen
  • Phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Sulfur

In most cases, regular potting soil can provide enough nutrients for your plants, and no additional fertilizers are required. However, you can still boost your plant’splant’s growth by spraying a nitrogen-rich houseplant fertilizer once a month.


Neon pothos is not fussy about temperature. Like most houseplants, it is best to keep them in temperatures above 55 degrees Fahrenheit and below 70 degrees Fahrenheit.


As tropical plants, pothos can tolerate higher temperatures as well. However, if the temperature is lower than the above-prescribed values, you may see weakened, wilted leaves.


Watering your neon pothos depends on several factors, such as the temperature and humidity levels of your area, as well as how much light your plant receives.

As a general guideline, we recommend watering until the soil is moist but not saturated. Please make sure the topsoil is dried out completely before watering again.

Over-watering can lead to root rot and kill your plant. Thus, with watering neon pothos, less is more.

How to Grow Neon Pothos: Step-by-Step Guide

How to Grow Neon Pothos Step-by-Step Guide

Once you understand the aforementioned basic requirements of these plants, you are ready to grow your own neon pothos. To make things simpler, here is a step-by-step guide to growing neon pothos.

  1. Choosing A Spot

    To provide the best possible growing conditions, choose the perfect spot in your home or garden to plant the neon pothos.

    As humidity is imperative to the growth of these plants, planting them in your bathroom or kitchen can be a great option. This can also save you the trouble of misting your plant and eliminate the need for a humidifier.

    For the best light, place your plant near an open window with continuous indirect sunshine. Make sure that your plant isn’tisn’t under direct sunlight at any point of the day.
    You can also grow neon pothos outside. Being excellent climbers, they can beautifully adorn walls or railings.

    However, the growing conditions are the same for both indoor and outdoor pothos, and you

    should only choose a shady place that is not under direct sun or rain.

  2. Planting Neon Pathos

    You can choose to plant neon pothos using any of the following methods:

    ● Take a cutting from another plant and root them in either soil or water.
    ● Buy a sapling, usually sold in small grow pots.

    If you choose to root your plant, you should know that plants rooted in water do not do well in soil and vice versa. Hydroponic pothos rarely grows as well as their soil-based counterparts. Here are two suggestions to ensure the best for your plant:

    ● Change the water frequently to avoid slime or algae
    ● Provide adequate nutrition to your plants as fertilizers

    In case you buy a sapling, you should know that pothos grows quickly. It will take no time for a little sapling to blossom out of its grow pot and demand more space for its roots system. However, there is no harm in pothos plants being slightly rootbound. Therefore, even though repotting is inevitable, you only have to do it once every two-three years.
    Additionally, potted plants need excellent drainage. Make sure your pot has drainage holes at the bottom to avoid waterlogging.

    Bonus Tip: Terracotta pots are an excellent option as they are perforated and allow proper aeration and drainage.

  3. Pruning For Accelerated Growth

    As pothos are grown for their stunning foliage, naturally, you want to have the best leaf growth you can achieve. Pruning is the easiest way of getting rid of any occasional yellowing leaves and avoiding leafless vines.

    Apart from that, pruning reduces the stress of developing a more extensive root system, which in turn requires less repotting on your behalf.

    The best pruning method is to cut right above the nodes. This means that the node will not be included in the cutting process. If you only want to prune to maintain a visually pleasing aesthetic, simply cut the tips of your vines.

    ● If a majority of your leaves are turning yellow, this may be a sign that the plant is malnourished due to reduced watering episodes.
    ● If your vines are leggy (stretched out with unevenly placed leaves) means there is inadequate lighting.

    Luckily, there is no need for much concern. With simple steps, you can nurse your pothos into perfect health in no time. Consider watering more frequently or installing grow lights if you face any of the above-mentioned problems.

  4. Repotting

    Depending on how large your grow pot is, the frequency of repotting can vary. You can extend your plant’s life in the grow pot by using a hanging pot. Yet, you will have to repot eventually.

    A general rule of thumb is to do it every two to three years. If your plant has exceptionally fast growth, you may have to repot once a year. An easy-to-spot sign that your plant needs repotting is when the roots are popping out of the drainage holes.

    Take the following steps for a hassle-free repotting experience:
    ● Water your plant at least four to five days before repotting
    ● Only repot in the summer or spring
    ● Take a container that is around two to four inches larger than the first pot
    ● Make sure the container has drainage holes at the bottom
    ● Fill it with a well-drained, peat-based potting soil
    ● Gently press your grow pot to remove the root ball
    ● Place your pothos in the new pot and cover with a skinny layer of compost
    ● After the first repot, you can use the same container next time or go a size bigger

    Be as gentle as possible to avoid any stress on your plant. After repotting, you can follow the same methods of caring as earlier.

  5. Supporting Neon Pathos

    In the wild, pothos is a remarkable climber. It often covers forest floors and grows around tree trunks. If you are growing indoors, it is best to either let your plant hang freely from a hanging planter or provide support so it can climb.

    As pothos uses aerial roots for climbing, climbing plants have a higher nutrient intake than those in pots. In short, your plant can achieve its highest growth potential only while climbing.

  6. Propagation

    Neon pothos (or any variety of pathos) is one of the easiest plants to propagate. Use the stem cutting method of propagation to see the best results.

    If you are a beginner, you may not know the proper steps. That’sThat’s completely alright! Just follow our simple instructions:
    ● Choose any six-inch stem with a lot of leaves
    ● Cut the bottom leaves so that only two or three leaves remain
    ● Place your stem in water and make sure the leaves stay above water
    ● Place it in a well-lighted area
    ● Change the water frequently to avoid slime
    ● After there is visible root growth (one-two inches), transfer your stem to
    potting soil
    ● For best results, grow several stems in the same pot

    You can also replant the new propagation in the same pot that you cut from. This will result in a fuller plant. Alternatively, you can just leave the stem in water and grow your pothos hydroponically.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. Is neon pothos toxic?

Yes, all parts of neon pathos are toxic to both humans and animals. If you have pets or young children around the house, make sure the plants are out of their reach.

Q2. How long can neo pathos grow?

In ideal conditions, your plant can trail up to 10 feet long if they have something to climb.

Q3. How do I know when to water my plant?

Once the top two inches of soil is dry, feel free to water the plant.

Q4. How fast can it grow?

Being quick growers, neon pathos can grow up to a foot in one month.

Pests and Diseases Commonly Affecting Neon Pothos

Although there is a lower risk of indoor plants catching diseases or getting plagued by pests, no matter what plants you choose to grow, you can never totally eliminate the dangers of plant diseases and pests.

We have listed some common pest problems you may face while trying to grow neon pothos:


Mealybugs are the most common insects known to affect houseplants negatively. They are more common in warmer, humid climates but can be found in essentially all climates.

Mealybug infestations first appear as white, fuzzy patches on leaves and stems and can spread rapidly. If one of your plants gets infested by mealybugs, chances are they will infect all other plants in the vicinity.


With these insects, prevention is the best method of protection. Thoroughly check any new plants or flower cutting you bring inside the house for mealybugs. In case you spot an infestation, you can either use insecticides or rubbing alcohol to get rid of them.

Brown Tips

If you see browning tips on your neon pothos, several factors may be at play. Some common reasons behind the occurrence of brown tips are:

Inadequate light: Move your plants closer to a window or sunroof. In case that is not workable, install grow lights nearby.

Lack of moisture: Try installing a humidifier or pebble trays, along with occasionally misting your plant.

Pests: Several types of pests such as aphids, mealybugs, fungus gnats, and mites may cause browning tips.

Direct sunlight: Direct sunlight to the browning section of the plant. Dry out the leaves and even burn them. Always remember, pothos grow best in moderate indirect lighting. Do not position the pot in front of a window.

Pythium Root Rot

Pythium root rot can be the consequence of waterlogged roots or improper drainage. If you see the plant having black or deep brown roots, it is usually a sign of root rot.

You can cut off the branches with blackened leaves and move the plant to a well-lighted region, but sometimes, the plant may not recover.

Fortunately, root rot is easily preventable. Just follow the potting and watering instructions mentioned in this article, and your plant will have perfectly healthy roots and leaves.


Neon pothos is one of the best indoor plants for both amateur gardeners and those with more experience.

With its bright foliage, neon pothos can cheer up any room and add a much-needed touch of greenery to your household. Whether you possess the gift of a green thumb or not, neon pothos can be your best bet for indoor gardening.

Bonus Read: Looking for a lawnmower? This list will teach you all about different lawnmowers.

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