
How Long Does it Take to Grow Herbs From Seeds?

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Making a herb garden on your property could be an excellent way to ensure a lifetime supply of herbs. Herbs enhance the flavor of any cuisine, particularly continental recipes, and some have medicinal properties. Herbs can be grown in a herb garden, a vegetable garden, or even alongside your flowing plants.

Growing herbs from seeds are similar to growing vegetables or fruits from seeds. There are, however, two exceptions:

  • Several herbs germinate much more slowly.
  • Many of them have lower germination rates.

So, when it comes to herbs, patience is essential!

However, growing your favorite herbs from seed is not that difficult. In fact, if you learn how to do it correctly, it can be incredibly addictive. It’s a unique feeling of satisfaction just to say, “I have grown that.

That being said, you should know how long it takes herbs to grow from seeds. The answer to this question is that the duration varies. Also, remember that annual herbs typically grow faster than perennial herbs.

This post will look at how long it takes different herbs to grow from seeds. Along with this, we will concentrate on related facts such as growing tips, easy growing herb names, and so on. So, stay with us until the end to find out all.

How Much Time Does it Take to Grow Herbs From Seeds?

Growing herbs from seed in your own herb garden is extremely satisfying. But first, you should know how long it takes herbs to grow from seeds. This information will allow you to estimate yield timelines. Different herns take different duration to sprout and grow. Yet, keep in mind that perennial herbs will take longer to grow than annual herbs.

Fast to Germinate

Certain herbs grow at a faster rate. They germinate really quickly and take off in no time. So, if you are in a rush, choose to grow these herbs.

1. Basil

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If you want a really fast-growing herb from seeds, try planting basil. You can just look for seedlings after 8-14 days. Maintain a temperature of 70 degrees F to aid in the germination process.

Also Read:- Basil Companion Planting: 7 Plants to Grow With Basil

2. Cilantro/ Coriander

Cilantro/ Coriander
Image Source: https://in.pinterest.com

Cilantro is also a fast grower, with seedlings appearing 10-15 days after the seeds are planted. The ideal temperature for germinating cilantro/coriander is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.

3. Dill

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Dill is another herb that grows quickly. And they should sprout in about 1-2 weeks after sowing. Furthermore, some varieties, such as the “Long Island Mammoth,” can even reach a height of 4 feet in about two months. Keep your dill seeds at 60 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure prompt germination.

4. Fennel

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Fennel is known for its vigorous growth and rapid spread. As a result, you won’t have to wait hard for more than 7-10 days to see your fennel seeds sprout. Planting fennel seeds in the summertime will result in seedlings by the beginning of fall. To aid germination, keep the temperature at 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

5. Oregano

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If you enjoy oregano, consider growing it at home. Oregano is a fast-growing herb that will take root completely within 10 to 15 days of sowing. Keep the oregano seedling healthy by maintaining the temp at 70 degrees.

Also Read:- Oregano Companion Planting: 15 Plants to Grow With Oregano

6. Sage

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Sage is not just one of the quickest growing herbs from seed but also one of the toughest ones to destroy. Germination takes between 10 and 20 days. However, when grown from seeds, sage shows a slow growth rate and takes two years to fully mature. The optimum temperature for this herb is around or above 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Plant sage in well-draining soil in the spring to encourage faster growth.

Slow Growers

Witing to see your herb sprouting from seeds can be a difficult task for any gardener. And this wait can ever worsen if you have planted slow growers.

1. Mint

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Although mint spreads quickly, it is a slow grower. Mint is very simple to grow in your herb or vegetable garden. This herb takes about 90 days to grow from seed to mature plants. So you’ll have to wait a long time to enjoy its flavor. However, remember that spearmints and peppermints are invasive and can quickly take over your garden.

Also Read:- 5 Types of Mint Plants to Grow in Your Backyard

2. Rosemary

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Rosemary is another herb that is renowned for its slow growth. This herb can be grown from seeds, but it will take about a year to progress from seedlings to mature plants. However, if you grow your rosemary from cuttings, the period can be reduced to about six months. In addition, you can keep this herb at an ideal temperature of 70 degrees Fahrenheit indoors for healthy growth.

3. English Thyme

English Thyme
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If you grow English thyme, you will notice that the seeds germinate in 14 to 28 days. Furthermore, the seedlings’ growth rate is also somewhat slow. Keep the indoor temperature at 70 degrees to promote healthy growth in thyme. However, keep in mind that some thyme varieties are invasive and can quickly take over your garden.

4. Sweet bay

Sweet bay
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Plant sweet bay only if you have a lot of patience and gardening experience. We say this because seedlings can take anywhere from 5 to 12 months to sprout. Furthermore, retain sweet bay in pots for at least 2-3 years before actually transplanting it outside. Another disadvantage is that growing this herb from seed is extremely difficult, as the root may refuse to establish at all. You should also be aware that in some cases, seeds may even rot before springing up.

5. Lavender

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Lavender is a woody, herbaceous plant that makes an excellent addition to any garden. However, keep in mind that lavender seeds may take 1-3 months to germinate. So begin early and be tolerant. Furthermore, lavender seeds should be sprouted indoors at temperatures between 65 and 70 degrees.

Slow to Germinate

Certain herns are slow to germinate but grow fast after shooting out. So, be patient and don’t throw your herbs away if you do not see any fast growth.

1. Parsley

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One of the most popular homegrown herbs is parsley. It is not the fastest-growing plant and takes 14 to 60 days to sprout. However, once they sprout and establish at least 2-3 true leaves, they quickly grow to produce plenty of leaves. The most suitable season for the cultivation of this herb is in the spring, and the ideal temperature is 70 degrees.

If you soak the seeds overnight before sowing them, you can speed up the growth rate of parsley. However, because of furanocoumarins, this herb can be toxic to pets and humans.

2. Lemon Bergamot

Lemon Bergamot
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Lemon bergamot is another herb with a slow germination period. Although this herb thrives in the bright spring sunlight, it takes 10 to 40 days for the lemon bergamot seeds to sprout.

And to help it sprout properly, this herb requires a temperature of 68 degrees Fahrenheit. The best part about growing this herb is that it will self-seed every year, providing you with a steady supply of lemon bergamot.

Growing Herbs From Seeds: The Tips

Growing Herbs from Seeds: The Tips
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Herbs can unquestionably be grown from seed. One of the chief factors for considering growing herbs from seeds is that it is a low-cost method. Furthermore, it is a simple and organic garden activity. Children can even be included in the procedures. Therefore, growing herbs from seeds could be a fun DIY project for them.

However, growing something from seed can be daunting at times. You might be wondering how long it will take for the seeds to germinate, what the germination rate will be, and so on. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. The basic tips for starting seeds for your herbs indoors are outlined below.

1. Container

The first step is to choose an appropriate container or planter for your herbs. Begin with seed starting pots or trays. Any repurposed container with adequate water drainage holes would also suffice.

Also Read:- How to Grow Corn in Containers: Step-By-Step Guide

2. Light

Herbs require a lot of light to grow healthy. As a result, place your tray or container in a well-lit area, especially if you are growing herbs indoors. Grow lights can also be used to supplement the light requirement. However, avoid exposing the herb seeds to direct, scorching sunlight. This would cause more harm than good.

3. Starting Mix

To grow your herbs indoors, start with a peat-based soil-less seed starting mix. Before filling the container, moisten the mix.

4. Sowing the Seed

It is critical to plant seeds at the proper depth. You can find the correct depth for sowing the seeds on the seed packet. Cover the seeds with mix after sowing, but do not bury them too deeply, or they will not sprout. After that, mist the topsoil and place the pot in a warm location.

5. Water

Freshly planted seeds require moist soil. However, avoid getting the soil too wet or soggy. First, check to see if the soil’s surface is dry. Only then should you moisten it with water. You can also use a humidity dome to protect the sown seeds until they sprout. Then, remove the dome and allow proper air circulation once the seeds sprout.

6. Fertilize

Fertilization can start once seedlings are a few weeks old and have a few leaf blades. You can start with a half-strength water-soluble organic fertilizer. For the best results, fertilize your plants every 12-14 days or follow the directions on the fertilizer container label.

7. Harden Off the Seedlings

The seeds must be hardened before being transplanted to a larger container or the garden. By this, we mean your indoor-grown herbs should be acclimatized to the outdoors before being transplanted in the garden.

8. Transplant

Please keep in mind that no matter how tough your plant is, it will experience transplant shock. However, you can try to minimize it as much as possible by using the proper transplantation procedure. Having said that, you can transplant your herbs into a larger container indoors or directly into the garden bed.

Easy Herbs to Grow From Seeds And Their Duration

We understand how difficult it can be to simply wait for your favorite herb to sprout true leaves and develop to full size. So, here’s a table to help you find the easiest and fastest-growing herbs. It would precisely list the germination duration, temperature, and some additional herbs notes.

HerbsGermination DurationIdeal Temperature (F)Notes
Anise10-14 days 60-65
Oregano10-15 days70
Basil8-14 days70
Chives2 weeks60
Coriander10-15 days 60The leaf is cilantro, and the seed is coriander.
Marjoram4-8 days55-60
Chervil3 weeks55-60
Fennel7-10 days70Voracious spreader
Dill1-2 weeks60
Sage10-20 days60Prior to actually planting, freeze the seed for a whole week.


Which herbs grow fast from seeds? Can herbs be grown from seeds indoors?

Yes, herbs can be grown indoors from seeds before being transplanted outside. You can also continue to grow your herbs indoors. However, for the plants to grow properly, you must provide them with the proper environment and food.

Is it possible to grow herbs from seed?

A few herbs are extremely simple to grow from seed. Herbs such as dill, fennel, oregano, chive, sage, and others can be grown from seeds. However, if you want to grow herbs, you should be patient because many of them take a long time to germinate and mature.

Which is the best time to grow herbs?

Most gardeners consider the early spring to be the most convenient and best time to grow herbs. Yet, it is always recommended to research the herbs before growing them. 

Which herbs grow fast from seeds?

Some fast-growing herbs that can easily be cultivated from seeds include dill, coriander, basil, chive, etc. To learn more, refer to the sections above.

Which herb seeds should be soaked?

Soaking seeds can help to increase the rate and duration of herb germination. So, if you intend to grow herbs, consider soaking their seeds overnight. This, however, is not a mandatory step.

Which herb seeds need light to germinate? 

Some herb seeds need light to sprout. It means that the sown seed should be placed near a source of constant light. Grow lights can also be used to supplement natural lighting. Herbs such as thyme, lemon balm, rosemary, and others require light to germinate and grow.


Growing plants from seed can be incredibly gratifying, particularly when you realize you can grab a few whenever possible. Nevertheless, the long wait is a tricky one to master. Still, we believe that the wait is well worth it.

Hence, the key is to be patient and take all the necessary steps to ensure the healthy growth of your plants. In addition, we hope that the herbs mentioned above and their growth periods have expanded your knowledge.

Finally, we’d like to remind you that, aside from the normal duration of each herb, there are some external factors that influence how quickly your plant grows, such as temperature, watering, fertilizing, and so on.

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