
Can You Plant Ginger Root From The Grocery Store?

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Ginger, a flowering spice plant native to Southeast Asia, is well-known for its medicinal and culinary properties. Since ancient times, this spice has been used and was most likely first cultured by Austronesian peoples.

You might be surprised to learn that this plant was purchased and marketed as a luxury product more than 5,000 years ago. During ancient times, it was indeed a costly item. However, you can now get this spice for a fraction of its historical price at most grocery stores and vegetable markets. As a result, obtaining ginger is relatively simple nowadays, as is the opportunity to grow it at home.

The question now is whether it is possible to plant and cultivate ginger roots purchased at the grocery store. This post is dedicated to answering that question. First, we will go over all of the facts surrounding the subject. In addition, we will address a few other frequently asked questions about ginger cultivation.

Ginger: The Basics

Before we look at whether store-bought ginger roots can be planted, let’s go over some of the fundamentals of this flowering plant.

Ginger- The Basics
Image Credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/

Zingiber officinale, or ginger, is a tropical perennial herb or spice. It produces annual pseudo stems or false stalks formed of rolled leaf sheaths. Ginger is a simple plant to grow and can be grown indoors. However, keeping them outside during the summer months may also be beneficial. Ginger takes about ten months to develop, and frost is a no-no for this plant.

Growing ginger from store-bought roots is simple if you follow a few simple steps. Below is a table that summarizes the fundamentals of ginger.

Common NameGinger
Botanical NameZingiber officinale
OriginMaritime Southeast Asia
TypeHerbaceous perennial
Soil TypeLose, loamy, and rich in organic matter
ClimateWarm and humid
Sun Exposure2 to 5 hours daily
Mature Size6 to 8 inches apart
2 to 4 inches deep
Bloom TimeSummer
Hardiness ZoneUSDA 7-10
WateringRegular watering while growing actively. But overwatering can be harmful.
PropagationVia roots
Medical PropertiesYes

Can You Plant Ginger Root From The Grocery Store?

Can You Plant Ginger Root From The Grocery Store
Image Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/

This is the main question that our post is centered on.

The answer is simple and direct: YES. In fact, one of the most practical methods for growing ginger is from store-bought roots. To be successful in your endeavor to grow ginger at home, you only need to follow a few simple steps.

There is, however, a catch. Remember that store-bought ginger is commonly splashed with pesticides and fungicides. They are also sometimes squirted with a growth suppressor to prevent them from springing up. When the ginger plant is potted, these factors may inhibit its sprouting. The truth is that you’ll never know what’s on the ginger you bought from the store.

Sometimes the ginger sprouts and grow as expected, and other times it sits in a planter for years, never progressing. The best thing you can do to improve its chances of germinating is to soak the ginger in water overnight to cleanse any growth inhibitors or pesticide residues.

Do you want to know how to cultivate grocery store ginger? Then, continue reading to find out the steps.

Growing Ginger From the Store-Bought Roots: Easy Steps

In this section, we will go through all the steps that, if followed aptly, could lead to the successful propagation of ginger plants from store-bought roots. Remember, ginger is an easy-to-maintain plant, and cultivating it is pretty straightforward. Hence, without holding it any more, let’s begin our ginger cultivating session.

1. Choosing the Right Root

Choosing the Right Root
Image Credit: https://www.publicdomainpictures.net/

Choosing the right ginger root is the first step in a successful ginger propagation process. You can get your roots at a grocery store or plant nursery. Whichever option you choose, be sure that the pieces are solid and wholesome and have’ eyes.’ Avoid dried, soggy, or withered roots.

Note: The eyes are the little nubs or horns that will grow roots if the conditions are right. Consider the image below to get an idea.

You can also choose an already sprouting ginger piece. Also, we recommend gathering at least three to four ginger roots so that you can be successful with at least one.

2. The Must Soaking Session

The Must Soaking Session
Image Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/

Clean the ginger roots and soak them in warm water overnight after purchasing them.

Remember how we said that store-bought gingers could be sprayed with pesticides or growth suppressors? Soaking it ensures that the majority of those elements are removed. Soaking also prepares the roots for sprouting.

If you are not a fan of soaking or purchased organic ginger roots from a nursery, you can wrap them in a wet cloth. A damp paper towel will also do the trick. Next, wrap the whole ginger, place it in a plastic bag, and seal the mouth. It will sprout as a result of the moisture and warmth.

Keep an eye on your ginger every 2-3 days.

3. Monitor

Image Credit: https://in.pinterest.com/

As previously stated, it is critical to check the sprouting ginger root every 2-3 days. You can take pictures of the roots every time you check on them to keep a record. If you have wrapped and sealed your ginger in a plastic bag, it may take at least seven days for visible rooting to appear. Continue to grow the ginger until the new roots are 1 inch long.

If you’re using the water propagation method, keep the ginger in the water until you see roots 1 to 2 inches long. Once the roots are visible, pot them or plant them directly in the ground.

4. Plant

Image Credit: https://www.allaboutgardening.com/

When you are sure to plant your ginger, cut it into pieces, 1- to 1½-inch, with an “eye,” keeping in mind that each piece must have at least one sprouting growing node. Please wait a few hours after cutting the pieces to allow them to heal before placing them in the soil. Next, plant the newly formed roots about 6-8 inches apart, 2-4 inches deep. That way, the new roots will have room to grow.

5. Transplanting

Image Credit: https://practicalselfreliance.com/

Once the initial leaves appear on your ginger plants, you can transplant them. A mass of spongy white roots will also show up by this time. Fill a new pot halfway with fresh potting soil and plant the transplanted ginger roots just under the pot’s edge. Sprinkle soil liberally and water it thoroughly to keep it moist.

Never suffocate your newly transplanted plant by pressing the topsoil around the roots. Also, take the necessary steps to reduce transplant shock.

Caring Tips

It is not sufficient to work on planting your ginger roots. It is also critical to properly care for them in order to allow them to thrive. And the caring process begins with preparing the soil for your plants to grow in. So, let’s look at some of the things you can do to help your newly cultivated ginger plants thrive.

1. Soil

Image Credit: https://plantvillage.psu.edu/

Plant your ginger roots in rich, moist, sandy loam rich in organic matter. If the soil quality is poor, organic compost can be used to improve it. Never plant gingers in compact soil prone to waterlogging, as this can cause root rot. Furthermore, ginger plants prefer neutral to mildly acidic soil.

2. Temperature

Because ginger is a tropical plant, it requires a hot and humid climate. However, please keep it away from extreme heat, as it will stop flowering and may even go latent. Ginger plants should also be brought indoors during the winter. They despise frost! Above 50° F is the ideal temperature for growing ginger plants.

3. Light

Image Credit: https://plantvillage.psu.edu/

This tropical spice plant tolerates full to partial sun exposure. However, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight. Most ginger plants thrive in filtered light and can withstand 2-3 hours of direct sunlight. However, remember that prolonged sun exposure can cause your plant to turn brown.

4. Watering

Image Credit: https://www.24mantra.com/

Ginger plants require frequent watering during their active growing phase. However, avoid overwatering during the autumn and winter months. Weekly subtle watering is preferable to 1 inch. Remember to keep the soil moist but not soggy to avoid root rot.

5. Fertilizing

Gingers are voracious eaters!

It would benefit from a slow-release organic fertilizer every few weeks. This is intended specifically for the summer months as the temperature rises. Fertilizers containing high levels of phosphorus are ideal for ginger plants. Aside from that, applying a routine flower fertilizer almost every month would suffice.

6. Harvesting

It is best to harvest 8-10 months old ginger plants. 

Nutritional Value of Ginger

Nutritional Value of Ginger
Image Credit: https://www.healthifyme.com/

Ginger is a very healthy spice. It is sometimes considered a herb as well. However, ginger is high in vitamins and minerals. This plant is particularly high in vitamin B6, copper, zinc, niacin, manganese, magnesium, and potassium.

Ginger has several health benefits, including helping relieve

  • Gastrointestinal distress
  • Inflammation
  • Migraine pain
  • Menstrual cramps, etc.


1. How long does it take ginger roots to grow?

Ans. A ginger plant takes approximately 8-10 months to mature. Therefore, if you want to harvest ginger, wait until the plant’s leaves begin to drop in the winter.

2. Can we grow ginger from seeds?

Ans. Yes, ginger plants can be grown from seeds. However, it is not a very good process. The success rate is low, and it takes a relatively long time to grow ginger from seeds. 

3. What kind of soil is required for ginger cultivation?

Ans. To ensure the growth and thriving of ginger plants, make sure to plant them in rich, moist, and loamy soil that drains water well.

4. Can I grow ginger indoors?

Ans. Ginger can, in fact, be grown indoors. Place your plant in a warm, humid location that receives filtered sunlight, and it will thrive.

5. Do ginger plants require direct sunlight?

Ans. Ginger plants can thrive in direct sunlight for 2-5 hours per day. However, do not expose your plants to direct scorching sun heat and strong wind. Doing so can burn the plants and uproot them.

6. Is ginger a spice?

Ans. Yes, ginger is a spice.

The Takeaway

As you can see, growing ginger plants from store-bought ginger roots are not difficult. All you need is some patience and to follow the steps outlined above. If you have ever tried growing ginger plants at home, please share your story. We’d be interested in hearing about your experience. However, before we wrap up, below are some of the most frequently asked questions about growing ginger plants.

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